Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
This makes Katara really wet between the legs.
Whoa - Aang lay off those beans!
Kamehameha ain't got nuttin' on that one.
Suki: Stay right there. I haven't seen a boy in months.
Sokka: Whay should I- ow! ow! okay... BUt I don't think you should pull my pants down so quick-
112 year old child getting molested here.
"At first it started like this" - Toph
"Then he had to get aroused and it went like THIS!" - Toph
"Then he just jammed it in there!" - Toph
I wouldn't say competition. I prefer to call it 'Nonconstructive Anti-Criticism' or 'Thought-expansion'.
And you thought C8 meant we couldn't have tentacle scenes. HA! THINK AGAIN!
That boy is out of control look where he positioned his palm.
Aang is always grabbing at Katara. At least he went for something besides her bewbs. (:
There is no competition it is just a "friendly game" fought among peers who respect each other.
"Then I started to touch him till he was all hot and erect."-Toph
"Compared to Sokka's your special arrow is this big."-Toph
Watch closely, as the clever predatory Sokka attempts to secure its mate in the midst ofthe confusion. Brilliant!
Hey Iroh is that a banana in your pocket?