Ok I made a photo shop contest on CAPSLOCK ATLA (don't enter it's over) to make it look like puppet Sokka is looking at some thing else on the internet and not surprisingly nearly half of it was porn and most of it was perverted. (Oddly enough one of the non perverted ones was the winner.) The winner was to get the penance of his/her liking (penance is usually where we present naked images of one of the characters naked and Iroh in particular usually for laplocking) and the winner chose naked Iroh and Ozai. So I did a comic strip about Sokka searching for naked Iroh and Ozai pictures and useing the winning entry as the 3rd panel.
I would post the link to the contest but I would be effectively linking you to porn. And I would just post the comic here but there are a lot of naughty words in the search engine pannels. (You know those porn web sites that use every naughty word to get you to click on their link.) And I'm afraid that my post would just get deleted by a mod with no sense of humor.
So I'm just going to direct you to this link so far no one has put anything obscene in the comments section.
Edited 3 total times.