T'was the night before the Season 2 Finale of Avatar??and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even my insomniac spouse.
The DVR was programmed, ready set to record, in hopes that the ship of??Zutara or Katang might??soon be explored.
Our son and our daughter were snuggled, all nestled in their beds, while visions of 'The Guru' and 'The Crossroads of Destiny' danced in their heads.
And I, in my 'I Love Avatar' nightshirt and hubby in the sack had just settled down to dream if Zuko's good health would indeed come back.
When out on our lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang from our bed to see what the heck was the matter!
Away to our window I flew like a flash, but tripped on the way over, on, of all things, our Avatar Season 1 DVD stash!
The moon cast its brightness over our neighborhood street and I noticed our fall leaves needed raking, too bad we can't airbend them, now THAT would be neat!
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear but one very familiar flying bison and the two writers we hold so dear.
With their brilliant minds and compelling storylines, so bright--they practically glow, I knew in a moment it must be Mike Double-D and Bryan Konietzko!
More rapid than Wan Shi Tong buried??his library their courses they came and they whistled and shouted and announced possible ships, one by one, and by name!
'Now Katang!'?? 'Now Zutara!' 'Now Aang and Toph!'
'Now Sokka and Suki!' 'So many ships!' 'When will it stop?'
'To the top of porch!' 'To the top of the wall!' 'Now dash away!' 'Dash away!' 'Dash away all!'
As our fall leaves swirled in Appa's flying wake, I watched them land between our grill and under-used garden rake.
As I drew in my head and was turning around an airbending 'WHOOSH' opened the backdoor with little to no sound.
The creators??were dressed in Appa's fur fuzzies from head to foot but their clothes were comfy casual because at Nickelodeon you don't wear a suit.
A bundle of newly released Season 2 DVDs in a bag they flung on their back. If only Nick would take a hint and release them as quickly. Yeah, just like that.
My eyes how they twinkled. I was feeling quite merry. The Avatar co-creators were in my kitchen and it is the outcome of Season 2 they do carry.
But their wry little smiles were sealed up tight just like a holiday bow and I knew from their faces I was going to have to wait until tomorrow and just watch the show.
The fate of all our beloved Avatar characters they held tight in their teeth but the visions of finale possiblities soon encircled my head like a wreath.
I pleaded...'Just one character, just one! What happens? Please tell me and stop this hunger in my belly!'
They just tossed their heads back and laughed and said 'You'll have to wait or get a??sandwich at your local deli.'
Ohhh...they were chubby and plump with their knowledge--right jolly, happy 'Joes.' I considered kidnapping and using Dai Li hypno-techniques but who would create the Season 3 episodes?
But a wink of their eye and twist of their head soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
They spoke not a word, but went straight to their work opening our eyes anew. Could it be possible that all along the story of Avatar was a story for our world too?
And remembering our beloved Mako, treasuring the time he shared, this journey is far from its end. The boy in the iceberg will have his day and against the Fire Lord he will win.
I stood in awe of it all and watched as they waved and to Appa gave a 'YIP, YIP' and a quick whistle. Then away they all flew, soft and smooth in the night, like the down of a wild meadow thistle.
But I heard them exclaim 'ere they drove out of sight 'Happy Season 2 Finale Avatar Fans! And to you all a good-night!'
Edited 5 total times.