I just realized something.?? Earth +?? Water =?? Mud.
Mud Fight?
Nahh... Toph is just 12.?? Jail bait.?? A nice mud fight would be between Katara and Azula though.
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
janedoe401 wrote: |
??First of all, there is no way Toph and Katara would ever fight.?? As the series progressed, they'd gotten closer as friends.?? And even IF and that is a big IF they would ever fight, i doubt that they'd go at it at full strength, especially Katara being katara wouldn't have it in her to really want to hurt a friend. Heheh.?? The ONLY way we'd ever know who would win is when Nick would actually show them fighting in an episode.?? VERY unlikely but something to look forward to i guess. |
xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote: | ||
The whole point of it is who would win. We all know they would never fight, it was just a what if they did and who would win. |
Yeah...it blowed my brain outta my head when he said that...
argos_87 wrote: |
My money would be on Katara. The only people Toph has fought so far are earthbenders and she has the edge on them because she can 'feel' the earth. She doesn't have that advantage over other benders. Aang easily pwned her by sending a simple airblast at her, and she couldn't see it coming due to her blindness. The same would count in a fight with Katara, she wouldn't know where the water would be coming from and wouldn't be able to defend herself. One waterwhip and boom, Toph's out. It also depends on the terrain of course. Toph would clearly have the advantage in a landscape filled with rocks and Katara would have the edge in a landscape with water. |
confucioussayhi wrote: |
*snickers sarcastically at your gross underestimation of Toph's "sight"* Remember in city of walls and secrets when Toph said I can feel you SHAKING? Or in Lake laogai when she could tell that guy was lying because of his heart rate? Or in the Blind bandit even when the boulder PICKED his foot up and she took him out with a single blow? Or in the same episode where she knew that a tree was there in her yard and it wasn't moving? Aang beat her because he doesn't have to touch the ground AT ALL to fight. She would be able to "see" any attack from anyone, with the execption of Aang. Oh, and what landscape isn't filled with rocks???Crap, I gotta go now. xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx, peace out.![]() |
Bandage2 wrote: |
it all depends if toph knocks Katar out fast, if she doesn't take out Katara in 5 seconds I guarantee Katara wins, bt she is quite capable in owning Katara that fast |
Taang_Forever wrote: |
That's sounding like Gara from naruto and his sand shield thing. |
Taang_Forever wrote: |
She's completely immune to copyrights man. What's the topic about again? |
Let's see, she stole a little bit of the matrixy music, the bullet-time thing where everything slows down, and she has more-or-less daredevil's way of seeing... I think I'm starting to figure out why she's called The Blind Bandit.
Yes! Toph~ The Admiring Thread!
Taang_Forever wrote: |
That's right, that's why I said more-or-less-has-daredevil's-sight. Toph is powerful NOW, but if she could see through air... SHE'D BE UNSTOPPABLE. |