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Avatar: The Last Airbender Forums

Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

Theory of Elemental Bending

  • Avatar of foxhole7


    [41]Apr 22, 2008
    • member since: 03/30/08
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    • rank: Caveman Lawyer
    • posts: 323

    fabianscorpio wrote:
    As for Mercury...I am aware that mercury contains no H or O. It is, in fact and element all it's own. I said that perhaps we could 'assume' that they may be able to bend it because it is a liquid. Therefore, perhaps they can bend other 'natural' elements as well, so long as they are in liquid form.

    Wait, why would you assume that they could bend other liquids?

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  • Avatar of fabianscorpio


    [42]Apr 22, 2008
    • member since: 07/04/03
    • level: 2
    • rank: Sweat Hog
    • posts: 9
    The same reason I'm assuming they can control atoms...to make it interesting. In the world of 'Avatar', we know that they can't bend mercury. But, if someone were to make a RPG out of it, maybe the writers of the game would include other liquids. Just a thought. *shrugs*
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