you agree with, give yourself 1 point. If you do not entirely agree,
1/2 point.
Test A:
1) I am a morning person
2) In sports, I am very agressive
2) Summer is the best season because of the weather
4) I have strong emotions
5) I breath deeply to relax
Record points for Test A
Test B:
1) I am a good runner
2) In sports, I am very defensive and avoid players on opposite teams
3) I don't care how much I sleep
4) I dream about flying often
5) I am very brave
Record seperate points for Test B
Test C:
1) My favorite season is winter for the weather
2) I look for weaknesses in others
3) I can stay up late and wake up early without much of a problem
4) I enjoy dancing
5) I spent a lot of time near water
Record seperate points for Test C
Test D:
1) I am strong, but not too fast
2) I do not care how long I sleep
3) I am equally defensive and offensive
4) I played in the sand at beaches as a kid
5) I have sensitive emotions
out which test you scored the most points on. You can turn the points
into percentages if you like (1 pt = 20% 1/2 pt = 10%). If there is a tie between
two tests, decide which one you agree with more. In case you couldn't
figure it out:
Test A- Fire
Test B- Air
Test C- Water
Test D- Earth
For me, I got
20% Fire
70% Air
90% Water
40% Earth
I'm sort of surprised by my results, actually. I thought I was more of a Fire person. Let me know what you got!
Edited on 11/28/2006 2:48pm