I'm aware that this is an odd topic, but I want some opinions on it. Obviously, in The Ember Island Players, the Gang is in a somewhat peaceful state. This question is; what do you think will suddenly set foward the events in the Finale. As in, what do you think starts the action? (The Comet's probably not coming until later in the finale, if the Gang even knows an exact time at all.)
It's a long shot, but I think something may happen at the end of EIP. As a said in a previous thread, we keep seeing characters in front of a burning structure. I'm just guessing that Azula might discover them, and ignite the building while they're asleep. (This would obviously be after that meditation scene.)
I was just thinking, because when Aang is in front of that burining arch or whatever, he's shirtless, which could mean he was just asleep.