I was just wondering about the song Iroh sings in Tales of Ba Sing Se.?? He sings it to the crying kid, and again when he has his son's picture set up under the tree.?? I wonder if Iroh used to sing that song to his son when he was a child?
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i thought the same thing. and it probably made iroh think of how his little soldier boy didnt come marching home. or at least thats something i got from the song and him singing it. it chokes me up every time i see it.
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I was just wondering about the song Iroh sings in Tales of Ba Sing Se.?? He sings it to the crying kid, and again when he has his son's picture set up under the tree.?? I wonder if Iroh used to sing that song to his son when he was a child?
I was thinking that too............But that scene was the only scene in the show that ALMOST (key word almost ) made me cry.
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