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The Solar Eclipse

  • Avatar of cjmg85


    [1]Dec 10, 2006
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    Forgive me if this has been discussed already, been back a few pages and didn't see any topics about it...

    So anyway, the fire nation will soon learn about the planned invasion from Azula, no doubt. But with the fall of the earth kingdom, perhaps the fire nation will let down its guard slightly, as they will soon have the earth military under their control. Game over, so where does the gAang turn to next? The water benders, of course, the last nation still completely in the game to fight back!

    The moon will eclipse the sun, or in the avatar world, water will be eclisping fire. The fire benders will be at their weakest at the same time that the water benders will be at their most powerful. Brilliant, if you ask me..... Ideas/comments?
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  • Avatar of dark_aquatus


    [2]Dec 10, 2006
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    yes ur right, i discussed this thing like a million times... and i already told about everyone the things u just said plus A LOT more rofl. me and some other people made some conclusions, but forgive me... i dont have the time (and i just dont want to) post them again in this dupe.
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  • Avatar of djdfire


    [3]Dec 10, 2006
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    I agree with that thought. But then again the Fire Nation amy figure this out and try to find a way to beat the waterbenders at they're strongest.

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  • Avatar of PhoenixAngel37


    [4]Dec 10, 2006
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    i agree with this theory...but then the waterbenders do have their weakness...the 2 fishes in the Spirit Oasis...i think
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  • Avatar of surfnroxx


    [5]Dec 10, 2006
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    PhoenixAngel37 wrote:
    i agree with this theory...but then the waterbenders do have their weakness...the 2 fishes in the Spirit Oasis...i think

    Won't they be at the Fire Nation during the invasion??? The Spirit Oasis is at the North Pole.?? Plus...I think only Zhao knew that waterbenders lose their power during eclipses, no?

    Edited on 12/10/2006 6:11pm
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  • Avatar of TheButterCutter


    [6]Dec 10, 2006
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    Lunar Eclipes would probly be the WaterBenders weak day. I wonder what air and earths are.
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  • Avatar of akdshay


    [7]Dec 10, 2006
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    surfnroxx wrote:

    PhoenixAngel37 wrote:
    i agree with this theory...but then the waterbenders do have their weakness...the 2 fishes in the Spirit Oasis...i think

    Won't they be at the Fire Nation during the invasion??? The Spirit Oasis is at the North Pole.?? Plus...I think only Zhao knew that waterbenders lose their power during eclipses, no?

    no the soldiers there knew , i hope they dont tell
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  • Avatar of windseeker15


    [8]Dec 10, 2006
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    Its mostly a question of time. If the weakening of firebending due to the eclipse lasts the entire day, then there is a good chance for successful invasion. Then if its only while the moon totally blocks the sun (which is normally only a few minutes) its going to be much harder.

    But lets see what that plan would entail. First the GAang would have to return to the Northern Water Tribe to tell the plan. Then warriors would have to be removed, leaving the Nortern WT vunerable if things should go wrong.

    They will need Earth Kingdom backup, I'm sure there are still some unconquered kingdoms around (and don't forget King Bumi). Either way there's gonna have to be major strategy put to use for the 3rd season.
    And Aang will still need to find time to learn Firebending.

    Man... and I thought my schedule for next year was busy.
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  • Avatar of Moxey15


    [9]Dec 11, 2006
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    When aang gets to the fire nation it will not be until episode 19-20 in season 3 and for some strange reason i think that at the end of the episode it won't be over. But the water tribe will be at full strength at the solar eclips and give it to the fire nation but what i wanted to know is with out the sun would the water tribe be even more powerful?
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  • Avatar of cjmg85


    [10]Dec 12, 2006
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    "When aang gets to the fire nation it will not be until episode 19-20 in season 3"

    I think that the gAang will be in the Fire Nation at least once before the season 3 finale. It would just seem too rushed otherwise, at least to me. In such an event I would hope that there is either a 4th season (once Aang has mastered the final elemtent, fire, in book 3, book 4 focuses on defeating the fire lord) OR a movie to conclude the series with. The gAang entering the fire nation at least 2 to 3 episodes before the season finale and getting through then would be a little better.

    Perhaps the day of black sun WILL be the finale, but then that'd be kind of boring because it will be too easy. My guess is that they won't be able to attack and weaken the fire nation as much as they want to during the eclipse, but they WILL clear a nice little path for Aang to get to the fire lord through for the final showdown. Mind, now that Azula has control over at least the dai le, there will be a good number of earth nation soldiers on the side of the fire nation that day as well........
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  • Avatar of plainboy93


    [11]Dec 12, 2006
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    And the Dai Li can fight during the eclipse...scary...
    maybe the fire nation, with all their technological advances, will create an artificial sun to give them power...
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  • Avatar of cjmg85


    [12]Dec 12, 2006
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    The Dai Li fighting for the Fire Nation on the day of black sun would DEFINATELY put a kink on the plans for invasion. The look on Azula's face when she found out about the plan said it all: she needed to gain control of the dai li more than she had originaly thought. She looked slightly frightened yet at the same time maintained that malicious look about her that just tells you she knows what her next 20 moves are going to be so that she isn't the one to suffer a check mate later on in the game. Lucky for her (yet unlucky to the gAang and the rest of the world minus the fire nation) that she got into Ba Sing Se when she did...
    Edited on 12/12/2006 1:24am
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  • Avatar of andreitayehp


    [13]Dec 12, 2006
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    First than nothing, I'm sure Zuko's family obtained divine rigth to rule because their power remain as always in solar eclipses, the eclipse just will affect the army, I think Zuko will obtain the dai lee, and they'll figth for the gang, sorry, but you are wayyyyyyyyy to stupids, do you really believe that FN will not put all the water away from there? Even with the moon at a single meter of distance, they cannot bend without water... So, it will be common firewarriors vs common water warriors, plus gang and dai lee (I mean Azula doesn't have divine right to rule, Zuko doeas! and it's not an spoiled B1tch, and that is/will be his plan, obtain control over the dai lee and being a spy)
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  • Avatar of Spike815


    [14]Dec 12, 2006
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    andreitayehp wrote:
    First than nothing, I'm sure Zuko's family obtained divine rigth to rule because their power remain as always in solar eclipses, the eclipse just will affect the army, I think Zuko will obtain the dai lee, and they'll figth for the gang, sorry, but you are wayyyyyyyyy to stupids, do you really believe that FN will not put all the water away from there? Even with the moon at a single meter of distance, they cannot bend without water... So, it will be common firewarriors vs common water warriors, plus gang and dai lee (I mean Azula doesn't have divine right to rule, Zuko doeas! and it's not an spoiled B1tch, and that is/will be his plan, obtain control over the dai lee and being a spy)

    You win the most confusing and innacurate post of the day award!

    The waterbenders WILL be able to fight, the royal fire nation family will not, and... I'm not even sure what the rest of your post was about.
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  • Avatar of cjmg85


    [15]Dec 12, 2006
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    First of all, the fire nation is surrounded by water, as it's an ISLAND NATION. What are they going to do, round up every fire bender in the world and slowly evaporate the entire ocean?

    Secondly, the royal family would be just as weakened by the eclipse as any other fire bender would. The laws of Avatar nature aren't going to make an exception for them, I'm sure...

    Thirdly, I'm sure that Azula isn't going to step down to Zuko just because he has the birth right. Definately NOT in her character/personality to do such a thing. It was her planning and toiling and manipulating that over threw the earth king, after all, and not Zuko's.
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  • Avatar of andreitayehp


    [16]Dec 13, 2006
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    they cannot evaporate the water, but they can still surround the island with metal (toph it will be the only one able to metalbend, Bumi is not blind, he cannot sence impurities in metal!) and put just a littleentrance, so Aang can enter the fire nation, and die (acording to FN wishes) and I think Roku was their Great Great grandfather or some crap like that, nobody has said when an avatar dies, he inmediatly reborn, I mean, Kyoshi was the avatar 300 years ago, and roku 200 years ago... so there's still can be a couple of years period without avatar, if the royal family has roku's blood, they could firebwend that thay, aang did waterbending when there was no moon
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  • Avatar of cjmg85


    [17]Dec 13, 2006
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    Actually, when one avatar dies, the next one is reborn within a couple of weeks. The life span of people in the avatar world seems to be very long for benders and non benders alike (some people are still alive from the beginning of the war and even before). The avatar probably has a slightly longer life expectancy than even them.

    Also, Aang had to summon the power of all of his previous lives to bend when there was no moon, as well as power from the spirit oasis itself. Obviously, avatar state + spirit power = awesome bending power even if the moon is gone. He is the bridge between the two worlds, afterall.
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  • Avatar of cjmg85


    [18]Dec 13, 2006
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    I also forgot to add, that's going to have to be one hell of a lot of metal to surround the fire nation with!!! Plus, I'm sure that Bumi could "bend" the metal if he wanted to. Toph could sense the impurities in the metal, maybe nobody else realizes that they are there. Once word gets out, perhaps other earth benders will be able to do the same. Afterall, it's not technically metal bending, it's still just earth bending. They're just bending the impurities (pieces of earth within the metal) and it moves the metal around it, as if the metal is a puppet, kind of like the water in the vines at the swamp....
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  • Avatar of confucioussayhi


    [19]Dec 13, 2006
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    cjmg85 wrote:
    I also forgot to add, that's going to have to be one hell of a lot of metal to surround the fire nation with!!! Plus, I'm sure that Bumi could "bend" the metal if he wanted to. Toph could sense the impurities in the metal, maybe nobody else realizes that they are there. Once word gets out, perhaps other earth benders will be able to do the same. Afterall, it's not technically metal bending, it's still just earth bending. They're just bending the impurities (pieces of earth within the metal) and it moves the metal around it, as if the metal is a puppet, kind of like the water in the vines at the swamp....
    Yeah, Toph rocks.
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  • Avatar of dumb_person1


    [20]Dec 13, 2006
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    Maybe when the solar eclipse comes the Fire Nation will send non-bending fighters to defeat the Earthbenders
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