The Rouge...a Fire Nation myth supposedly created by Fire Nation soldiers after their units were attacked and decimated. The soldiers say they were attacked on all sides, most not usually seeing their assailant. The ones who did see this.. ."Rouge" described him as a black shadow that moved so fast that it could not be attacked. Many in the Fire Nation believed that the Rouge was a myth and the Fire Lord had the survivors of the attacks put to silence. Many thought that the Rouge was just a group of Earth Benders; that was until the Rouge used fire bending. This is how the Rouge got his name, a rouge firebender against the fire nation. The Fire Nation sent their best agents to stop the Rouge. All of them winded up dead.???????? The Rouge is now reported to be??acting around??the Fire Nations newly conquested Earth Kingdom City of Ba-Sing-Se. what he is doing there no one knows. The Fire Nation is certain though it has something to do with Azula.????????
i am going to do a fanfic on this soon so tell me what you think of it so far.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Edited on 01/07/2007 6:24pm