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The Philosophy of Bending

  • Avatar of ThePipBoy


    [1]Dec 4, 2006
    • member since: 10/01/06
    • level: 3
    • rank: Soup Nazi
    • posts: 38
    It is my belief that the evolution of an advanced bending style, is the
    direct byproduct of the assumption of another elements lessons.??????

    In a classic Iroh lecture the old general outlines the attributes of each of the elements, he then goes on to outline that there is a weakness to only taking wisdom from one source. ?? His general point being that there are lessons to be learned from the philosphies of the other elements, and that by learning these lessons one becomes more potent.

    Irohs talks about water bending certainly impacted Zuko as in the
    latest episodes he seems to be incorporating the fluid togetherness of
    water with his fire.???? The whips of fire were almost exactly like
    Katara's water whips and were one of his most effective abilties.??????
    Even his motions in the attack sequence suggested Tai Chi and

    Now before I get into the heart of my little tractate i wanted to point out a few things about the relations of the elements.???? There are three relations, Opposed, Antagonistic and Neutral.???? Fire and water, and earth and air are opposed elements, they are philosophically opposed.???? Fire is the element of drive, progress and power, it opposed by water the element of change, adaption and community.???? Fire seeks to impose its own world order, Water seeks to adapt to the world.?????? Earth is the element of stabilty and confrontation and Air the element of whimsy and freedom, the natures of the two are quite well outlined as opposed.????

    Neutral is to have little or no relationship.?? Fire and Earth don't really interact and Air and water likewise, not allies certainly but not enemies, at least philosophically (fire nation still wants to conquer the earth kingdom but thats not a philosophical issue)

    Antagonistic is a different kind of relationship and is at the heart of my point.???? Water and earth are antagonistic to one another but not opposed.???? Earth celebrates diversity and Water celebrates togetherness.???? The grind at one another but do not deny.?????? Fire and Air are likewise antagonistic as one believes in emptiness of worldly attachments while the other seeks to grasp desires.????

    The advanced bending styles (metal, blood and lightning) seem to stem from the acceptance of antagonistic philosophy into your own style.????

    Firebending is an emotional style rage and passion driven power dominate the firebender.???? But to create lightning, the cold blooded fire, one must be empty of passions and detached, one must be FREE, the primary attribute of the airbenders.??????

    Earthbenders are confrontational and individualistic, seeking to defy attempts to classify.???? However To bend metal one must realize that we are all fundamentally interconnected, the lesson of water.???? It is no coincidence that the Guru's talks of such things are interposed over Tophs little discovery that under it all metal was still earth still a part of her.

    Waterbending, and this is where I venture a little out, is all about unity and conformity, however when you realize that water takes diverse and individual shapes, like plants or people one gains the abilty to bend blood and vines.??

    Thus the advanced bending style of air is most likely the embrace of aggession or passion, forging something tempestuous.
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