Chapter 1: a new start
Katara and Aang decide to go on their own date in Ba Sing Se, similar to where Jin and Zuko had a date. Aang and Katara start talking, but Katara starts to feel awkward being with Aang. Aang continues talking, but Katara doesnt really feel and connection with him. Soon, they see Mai and Zuko walking in on a date. They all look at each other, Katara somewhat happy to see other people. She calls them over and they pull tables next to each other. they begin talking and katara begins to fel more comfortable. Just then, Sokka and Suki come in and they pull up more tables.So Sokka begins to tell jokes as usuall, none of them being funny. So they all talk and start to share secrets. Sokka tells them of the time when he got the fishhooks in his thumbs and everyone told secrets. Soon everyone left to go to the bathroom and Katara and Zuko were the first ones back at the table.
Zuko becomes shy and says: "So you and the avatar huh...thats....nice. You two really seem to be....hitting"
Katara: Well i dont know. Now that im actually together with him, i feel weird, like im babysitting him or something. i dont want to tell him, but..i feel really bad about it. and i just dont know how to tell him. and its making me feel guilty every second. aang said that he thought we would be together after we kissed right before the invasion, but we didnt really kiss-kiss. he kissed me and i didnt know how to respond and i thought that if i backed away then it would hurt him, and he would be devestated. and right before a big fight. iv been feeling like this for a few days.
Zuko then goes to sit next to her and tells her: "every relationship needs to be honest and thats kind of a big secret. you should tell him, but when your ready. to tell you the truth, me and mais relationship isnt going that great.
Katara: why not?
zuko: well she never really understood me back before the war ended and now, our relationship was pretty boring. i mean, i could barely get her to come here! but i think she knows its not going well.
katara: well then why dont you tell her. taking you own advice might work 
zuko: well.... like you, i just dont know how to stay it. i would feel terrible. i already broke up with her once, back when me and sokka rescued suki and your dad. i dont want to break her heart again.
they both hug and just then aang, sokka, suki and mai come back.
aang: umm...zuko...ur kind of in my seat.....
zuko: oh sorry i didnt notice.
he goes back and everyone sits down again to eat.
katara: aang, can i talk to you...over there
zuko smiles*
aang: sure katara
sokka: dont be too long! the desert is arriving!!
katara: aang...there's something i need to tell you.
aang: sure...
katara: im not sure how to say this, but..
aang: i understand katara. you want to break up. thats okay. i kind of got the hint two days ago. but its okay. i havent been so honest with you either.
katara: what do you mean?
aang: when i almost died in ba sing se, it was becaue i hadent fully mastered the avatar state.
aang: as soon as i was about to master it, i had a vision that you were in trouble, so i left before i mastered it. i put you before the world, which was selfish to do.
katara: well now at least we both know the truth right?
aang: yeah....listen we should get back
katara: aang wait...*they hug and katara says: "dont worry, you will find the girl for you. i know it."
they go back
aang and katara smile at each other*
sokka: so where were you too gone for so long.
katara: we just talked...
aang: and talked...
*something explodes in the distance*
suki: oh no theres an attack!!!
*hundreds of firenation soldeirs start burning homes and fighting with other earthbenders. aang, zuko, suki, katara, mai, and sokka ll start to run to the attack and take action. katara and zuko take out the flames and aang starts to capture the firebenders. mai traps them all and then sokka and suki just fight random ones and wipe them out. soon the attack is done, and hlf of the lower ring is burned and in flames. te flames manage to go out, but there was a loss in the group.
zuko: mai didnt make it.
*he starts to cry*
katara goes to him and hugs him. the rest of them crowd around the others and try to comfort zuko.
to be continued**
yeah it pretty much sucked but whatever