god im not sterotyping.
Then you need to take into account that the aformentioned characters will mature and be even more suitable for their respective partner. Besides, even the successful relationships have their obstacles. That's another problem I find with the anti-ships in question. They seem to think it better to pair someone up with a partner that's convenient and easy. Relationships worth having are more likely to be hard than easy.
i can take this much deeper if you want. i'll focus on maiko for a second. i don't have an issue with the fact that she's more manly. It's an issue that they have conflicting profiles. She will basically end up ripping him to shreds because they are both too drawn back and slightly isolated, except for the fact that zuko has experienced life as a private citizen while she has not.
Zuko's time with the Gaang has made him into a more easy going person. Heck, he shared a friendly hug with Aang, someone that Season 1 or 2's Zuko wouldn't even consider. Mai has shown to be more easy going thanks to some of the time she and Zuko been together. She even shunned aside her fears for Azula.
Aang is pure, immature, due to the fact that he has a lack of exposure to adults. Katara, because she was exposed to war and death at such a young age as matured past her years, and takes on a maternal role (yes to everyone in group) but because Aang is younger, it seems to be more prelevant to him. Although she is typically a goody-two-shoes, she has a very strong dark side, bottled up, which is the reason for alot of her anger, and the one incident were she devolved and became revenge hungry. She will always have this dark side, which is another thing that Aang cannot understand. THERE. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. I TAKE THINGS TO A WHOOOOOOLE NEW LEVEL!
While Aang has shown many moments of being childish, he has shown moments of maturity just the same. And while he didn't getting to the point of being bloodthirsty, he has allowed for his anger to get to the point of being uncomfortable for his friends. Sure, Katara's vengeful, but she still has a fair amount of optimisim within her. Her choice to forgive Zuko helps in that aspect.