This is??like a spin-off of powmaster's thread The Avatar: The Last Airbender Encyclopedia Of Knowledge. Here instead of posting factual information, post funny info.
Master Pakku
Major Traits: Waterbending
Age:?? Unknown but he is an old fart.
Contributions to the Northern and Southern Water Tribes:?? Taught many waterbenders.?? Chased Gran Gran in the snow.??
Hobbies:?? Ice sculptoring for the ladies, chasing after women half his age, and putting up fire nation wante dposters of Aang!
Best Weapon: Atomic Fart (He killed his father with this one!)
Hobbies: Lighting things on fire. (Pyromaniac)?? Plotting the death of his father, child abuse (Poor Zuko), and cheating on his wife.
Almost anything's acceptable. Just don't make entries too graphic, gory, vulgar, or above a PG rating. Thanks and have fun!!!
*Entries don't have to be people. They can be items, animals, places, and any??other Avatar??related thing*??
*BTW. Example entries??were done by tico1125. Thanks tico!!!*
Edited 8 total times.