powmaster wrote: |
now we need someone to do The Cave of Two Lovers (Not the episode...a description)! |
I'll do it.
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
powmaster wrote: |
now we need someone to do The Cave of Two Lovers (Not the episode...a description)! |
Strix_Moonwing wrote: |
Cave of Two Lovers- This is a cave that leads straight through to the city of Omashu, without having to go through the mountains. The cave is filled with tunnels that form a labyrinth which is protected by a curse. The curse lets only those who put their trust in love can find a way out of the labyrinth, while others shall perish. This curse is based off the legend that comes with cave. Inside is tomb for the two lovers from the legend. There is a more logical way out of the cave. Whenever there is total darkness, crystals light up in a path that leads out of the cave. Many creatures live in the cave, such as Badger moles and Wolf bats. Great! Can you do fortifications? (http://www.avatarspiritmedia.net/weaponsofwar.php) Legend: The legend is written on a wall about the tomb in the cave. It tells how two adults from feuding villages, met on top of the mountain and became lovers with eachother. They kept meeting on top of the mountain, despite the dangers. They learned earthbending from the Badger-moles and formed the labyrinth that only they could navigate through. However, the man was killed in a feud between the two villages and the woman expressed her fury with a way of earthbending that could of destroyed both villages, but instead, she called for the feuding to end. The villages later built a city in honor of the couple's love. It was named Omashu. for the couple's names were Oma and Shu. The moral of this story is that "Love is brightest in the dark". Misc: Aang and his friends were lost in this tunnel. Aang and Katara tried to use love to guide their way by kissing. Again, use the more logical way and follow the crystal. Saves one embarassement. Other sources: Earthbending, Badger moles, Omashu...etc. |
Here is the list for the letter "G":
Eastern Air Temple
??Gold Pieces
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