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Nickelodeon (ended 2008)

The Avatar:The Last Airbender Encyclopedia Of Knowledge

  • Avatar of powmaster


    [181]Dec 28, 2006
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    Crown (Earth Kingdom)- This crown was found by Momo in the abandoned Earth Kingdom city. This is a hint that there might have been a royal family living there long ago.
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  • Avatar of Strix_Moonwing


    [182]Dec 28, 2006
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    Chinaman Hat (Aang)- Aang traded some nuts for this hat in the episode, ???Imprisoned???, while in Haru???s village. It is brown, and looks like a wide cone.

    Chinaman Hat (Zuko)- Zuko received this hat when he was at the Earth Kingdom Spa. It strongly resembles Aang???s Chinaman Hat.

    Chin the Great- Chin was a warlord 370 years ago. He was an earthbender, and a conqueror. Chin tried to conquer the entire Earth Kingdom, and he did not like Avatar Kyoshi. When Chin arrived at Avatar Kyoshi???s peninsula, she humiliated him and separated the peninsula from the Earth Kingdom mainland. The ground below Chin crumbled, and he fell to his death. This was the creation of Kyoshi Island.

    Personality: Chin was a ruthless tyrant. He was very greedy, and that led him to attempt to gain control of the Earth Kingdom. He would not let anyone, especially Avatar Kyoshi, stand in his way as he conquered more people and expanded his army. His own arrogance led to his death at the hand of Avatar Kyoshi.

    Canyon Crawler- The canyon crawler is a monstrous creature. It has four insect-like legs, and a long snout with sharp teeth. It has sixteen eyes, eight on each side of its face, while the rest of its body is covered in brown fur. This creature was seen in The Great Divide Canyon. Apparently, the Canyon Crawler has a keen sense of smell, and is attracted by the scent of food. The Canyon Crawler can smell from very far away. The Canyon Guide doesn???t allow any travelers bring food with them across The Great Divide, in fear that Canyon Crawlers will attack them. One Canyon Crawler is dangerous, but a swarm of them is almost impossible to escape.

    Canyon Guide- This plump man guides people across The Great Divide Canyon, in the Earth Kingdom. He seems to know a lot about the creatures, geography, and climate of the canyon. He is also an Earthbender, and often tears down his trails so the Fire Nation can???t follow him and the refugees he guides. Personality: The Canyon Guide is pleasant, and he enjoys his job. That was, until the Canyon Crawlers broke his arms! He can???t solve intense conflicts between people. At times, the Canyon Guide is wise, and often has keen observations. These observations can help others understand the nature of their problems, and how to solve them.

    Chicken Pig- The Chicken Pig was seen on a farm in ???Zuko Alone???. The chicken pig has the head of a pig, but the feet, body, and tail of a rooster.

    Crescent Moon Isle- The Crescent Moon Isle is isolated in the Fire Nation Ocean. It has the shape of a crescent moon, and was the home of the Fire Temple of Avatar Roku. Avatar Roku used to live there, and the temple is at least 200-300 years old. Upon Aang???s visit to the temple, it was destroyed by Avatar Roku himself, with the aid of the volcano on the island. The island is currently deserted.
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    [183]Dec 28, 2006
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    Cheys Wanted Poster- This was a wanted poster distributed by the Fire Nation for Cheys arrest. Chey was the second soldier to escape the Fire Nation Army and survive. This poster includes a sketch of his face, along with some basic information about him.
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  • Avatar of powmaster


    [185]Dec 28, 2006
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    Cavalry- Cavalry, or mounted troops, are mobile military units that are excellent at doing tricky maneuvers. Heavy cavalry are useful to break up infantry in close combat. Light cavalry are often used for scouting missions

    Earth Kingdom Cavalry- The Earth Kingdom uses war ostriches as cavalry mounts. These creatures are part horse and part ostrich, and are able to carry a great weight. They are heavily armed; armed with a mask and metal neck, and breast plates. They can carry two men each.

    Fire Nation Cavalry- The Fire Nation uses war rhinos as their mounts. The rhinos have tough skin, which acts as a natural defense. Their horns can be used as weapons. In some situations, the rhinos are fitted with a pair of small catapults.

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  • Avatar of SalKing2


    [186]Dec 28, 2006
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    Cat Gator: The cat gator is a green reptile that is 7 or 8 feet from its snout to tail. It moves with its body close to the ground since it is a short creature. It has a flat head with whiskers protruding from its snout. Its back has numerous ridges and also has sharp teeth. The cat gator's tail has a small fin at the end, too.

    First Episode Appearance: The Swamp (Book 2: Chapter 4)

    (Note: The cat gator is a cross between a catfish and an alligator)

    Edited on 12/28/2006 7:57am
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    [187]Dec 28, 2006
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    Bison- Bisons are gigantic flying creatures. The Bisons were used by the Air Nomads to travel. A Bison has white fur, six legs, and large teeth. They can fight by ramming into opponents. The only known bison living today is Appa, Aang???s guardian pet. As seen in the episode, ???Appa???s Lost Days???, the bison you choose will be your companion for the rest of your life. When Aang ran away from the Southern Air Temple,?? and then got stuck in the ice burg, Appa was still there with him all the way.

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    [188]Dec 28, 2006
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    Cat (Bearded): This cat has oversized ears, has short hair and a tail. It has light brown fur but there is a "Y" patch of dark brown hair which covers the bridge of its nose and eyebrows. It has a white beard and moustache and also circular irises.

    First Episode Appearance: The King of Omashu (Book 1: Chapter 5)

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    [189]Dec 28, 2006
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    Catapult- A large siege engine that uses an arm to hurl objects at a great distance. Mostly used by the Fire Nation, they are used to hurl fire balls at an enemy. They have been used on many occasions to try and shoot down Aang's Flying bison and helped destroy the Northern Water Tribe's wall.

    Other sources: See Fire Nation, Weapons, tactics....etc.
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  • Avatar of powmaster


    [190]Dec 28, 2006
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    Here is a list for the letter "D":


    Dragon Fly

    How do you like the shorter lists? Reminder: Use avatarspirit.net as a tool! Recruit More Writers!

    Edited on 12/28/2006 1:06pm
    Edited 6 total times.
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    [191]Dec 28, 2006
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    I call dragon!XD
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  • Avatar of SalKing2


    [192]Dec 28, 2006
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    I was looking back at the "A" section, and did we ever describe Aunt Wu?
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    [193]Dec 28, 2006
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    "The Deserter" (Book 1: Chapter 16)- Aang finds a firebending teacher. This man's name is Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was the first person ever to leave the Fire Nation Army, and survive. Jeong-Jeong refuses to teach Aang. Avatar Roku speaks to Jeong-Jeong, and tells him he has to teach Aang. When Aang loses his patients, he tries to do an advanced Firebending move, but the results are quite disastrous. Katara learns that she has a special Waterbending power. Meanwhile, Zhao tries to find the Avatar.

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  • Avatar of powmaster


    [194]Dec 28, 2006
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    SalKing2 wrote:
    I was looking back at the "A" section, and did we ever describe Aunt Wu?

    No...we didn't...I'm duing Aunt Wu for "W"
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    [195]Dec 28, 2006
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    "The Desert" (Book 2: Chapter 11)- Aang searches for Appa, while Katara struggles to keep everyone together. Meanwhile, Zuko and Iroh seek assistance from a secret society.
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    [196]Dec 28, 2006
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    "The Drill" (Book 2: Chapter 13)- Aang discovers a secret Fire Nation weapon, and must stop it before it destroys the outer wall of Ba-Sing-Se. Meanwhile, Jet learns a terrible secret about Zuko and Iroh.
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    [197]Dec 28, 2006
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    Who wants to do Dai Lee?
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  • Avatar of AngelTails2


    [198]Dec 28, 2006
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    I'll do it
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  • Avatar of powmaster


    [199]Dec 28, 2006
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    Drill- The Drill is a massive, steam-powered, machine with segmented pipes. A bridge is located on the metal frame tower towards the back of the machine. The head can move fast, and it can penetrate the surface of anything in front of it. The different sections of the drill can separate. The drill is designed to go through rock, causing many broken rocks, causing heat friction, which will eventually make the drill head melt. The first problem is solved by adding water to the bore, which creates a rock and water mixture called "slurry". The slurry is collected through scoops at the drill head, and then passed through the body and eventually let out of the back.

    Purpose: The Fire Nation used this drill to penetrate the walls of Ba-Sing-Se. It is vunerable to outsiders, so they put a few tanks around the drill. This did not work, however, because Aang was still able to destroy the drill.
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    [200]Dec 28, 2006
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    Due- Due is a waterbender, and lives??in a swamp in the Earth Kingdom along with his friends, Tho and Hue.

    Personality: Due is not very smart. He usually has his friends do all the thinking for him. It is apparent that he values family-ties. He considers Katara "kin" (family) because they are both Waterbenders. He is friendly, and works hard to get his friends and family food.
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