Valin610 wrote: | ||
***SPOILER*** |
So that means Zuko's and Katara's 'ninja mission' will be a rescue mission
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Valin610 wrote: | ||
***SPOILER*** I was thinking the same thing too; she didn't go into much detail how Azula was able to overpower both of them and actually get them thrown into jail. I'm guessing it was intentional. |
asrealasitgets wrote: | ||||
So that means Zuko's and Katara's 'ninja mission' will be a rescue mission |
I still think the intent of the ninja mission is for Zuko's mom, not Ty Lee and Mai. Who knows though, I'm just going with the hints that Zuko is going to go looking for his mom sometime in the series.
asrealasitgets wrote: | ||||
or they will find Ursa
picaboomman wrote: |
***SPOILER*** i dont get it...mai and ty lee could have gone whOOPPA on them.....ty lee could ave blocked azula's chi and he guards as well...i mean she had taken out like 50 earth kingdom dudes right? and mai could have also helped. but i guess them in prison might have something to do with the plot.. and what happened to zuko's fight with azula and then the suki fight with ty lee. they left most of that out. i hope thats its not all true |
WiseIroh wrote: | ||
Wow Zutara Died befroe those fan girls got a chance two big words to that HA HA!!! now onto buiness i now declare Mazula Dead, mai said "I love zuko more than i love you!" burnn I pitcture ty li's face 0o lol, azula is going to give her a stern hot spanking. |
_Iroh_ wrote: | ||
link'd |
Yourdogsdead wrote: |
My friend works at blockbuster. want me to see if we can check it out? |
"I love Zuko more than I fear (???) you."
She got cut off, so I expected this would come next. That or 'more than I'm loyal to you?' I dunno.
Congrats! One of the only non-cheesy lines in the whole Maiko relationship. I've always liked Mai, though. Maybe this will become my second favorite Zuko ship. XD
Spike815 wrote: | ||
YES. And please upload online. We'll all love you forever. |
toosmooth wrote: |
So is this episode getting uploaded or what? |
Yourdogsdead wrote: | ||||
@_@ If you get it up on veoh or something, we should all honor you in our sigs. "Thanks to Yourdogsdead, I survived AWS." Sounds good. Just GET THE DVD ALREADY!!!!!!
Spike815 wrote: | ||
Not from the girl who put up the clips and summary. Sounds like we'll have to wait for someone else to nab it. |
toosmooth wrote: |
So is this episode getting uploaded or what? |
zukofangirl2006 wrote: | ||||||
@_@ If you get it up on veoh or something, we should all honor you in our sigs. "Thanks to Yourdogsdead, I survived AWS." Sounds good. Just GET THE DVD ALREADY!!!!!! |
Yourdogsdead wrote: | ||||||||
There's not much reason why it wouldn't be shipped. If it comes later, it won't be much later, so we still won't have to wait as long
zukofangirl2006 wrote: | ||||||||||
There's not much reason why it wouldn't be shipped. If it comes later, it won't be much later, so we still won't have to wait as long |