I dont know if it was mentioned in here, but Suki is still alive, Mai is not on Zuko's side, the little guy in the riot looks like the CM and ... I was right dammit,
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BR exists...I think we can all sleep slightly easier tonight.
no we cant if you haave to burning erge to make your won BR with the footage and your jsut slowly dieing to see what its about and you cant wait for it to air so it eats you up in your sleep...but we dont need to worry about that
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Yea you're right, but what if Nick releases a statement that says that the footage is old an recycled and isn't actually part of any episode.
there would be no point in them doing that....they would lead us to believe that all of these awesome things happen in BR and then when it airs they'll show 2 minutes of the prison from the outside and then cut to spongebob....
since we have 3? people who have seen the commercial in brazil and an actual clip of it from a TV we can conclude that it is indead real but we still dont know when its going to air since it seems like they are really far back on episodes still so *shrug* we shall see...
oh and what i caught from the vid looks like combustion man is alive and at the prison, suki needs a haircut, suki VS. Ty lee, Zuko and Sokka go by themselves, Zuzu protects sokka from blue fire (azula?), Zuzu fights Mai, Ty Lee runs on an awesome rope thingy, hakoda is chained to the floor and looks like hes about to get his head chopped off or he was told that the gaang was dead..., Suki wants to kick some @$$, and some short guy jumps on some fireguy.... anybody see anything else?
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