Well the point of this thread is to discuss what you thought of what happened in the last series of avatar (that we know of) and what did you think was going to happen. I will start off . . . . . .
I thought the third season was far the best and the most dramatic also i liked the twists like Azula breaking down and crying for the first time in the show.
My prediction of season three was Aang would master fire by his old firebending friend Cuzon (sorry if misspelt) and would fight against the firelord with all the g-gang and would still struggle because of the firelord's power but would suddenly win when Toph would throw herself infront of Aang when a blast nearly hits him, then out of rage of Toph's death he would go into the avatar state and kill the firelord restoring peace.
I hope you will post in this thread but do NOT spam in it please, thanks.