Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
electricblue18 wrote: |
hehe... It's kinda long, but I think it's ok for now. I might right a story scene later. I'm better at those. This was the scene I used: Meanwhile the evil monk goes to Fire Nation Palace, *The Evil Monk has arrived at the Palace in secrecy, and Evil Monk: (Whispers) The day has come, Fire Lord Sozin. The Sozin: (Intimidating voice) You speak as a great admiral, *Evil Monk bows to Sozin* Evil Monk: (Cowardly) B-b-b-but sir, I AM a great admiral. I Sozin: That is where you are wrong. Guards, take this *Evil Monk gives Sozin a baffled look* Evil Monk: (Confused) Wh-wh-what!?!? I just gave you the Sozin: You have given us valuable information, and we thank *The Evil Monk is dragged off into the dark, vague dungeons Fire Nation Palace, *Sozin is giving a speech to his admirals, who wait in silence Sozin: You, you are the admirals that will take out the Air *Sozin sits back down, and bows his head in silence* Admiral Zhoka: You are right, Fire Lord Sozin. This is the Sozin: The first temple to fall will be where the traitor *Admirals give Sozin a baffled look* Admiral Zhoka: Wh-what do you mean!? We are not THAT strong. Sozin: (Whispers) But I have made a discovery??? a discovery *Admirals salute Sozin, and they all walk out of the chamber *After journeying across the ocean to the Southern Air Invasion of the Southern Air Temple, *Camera zooms in on the Fire Nation army with all of the men Admiral Zhoka: No, no, you have it all wrong young private! *Messenger runs up to Admiral Zhoka, panting* Messenger: (Panting) Admiral Zhoka, Admiral Zhoka! Zhoka: What, what is it lad!?!? Messenger: (Worried) It???s the Air Nomads, sir! They spotted Zhoka: (Fierce) ROUND UP THE LIGHTNING TEAM! THEY MUST BE *Zhoka takes out the war horn, and mumbles to himself about *Zhoka took out the war horn once again, and blew it yet Monk Gyatso: (Shouting) You will NOT take our home away from Zhoka: Quick! Get to the trebuchets! It does not matter if *Zhoka and the team of lightningbenders kneeled down on one *Thirty of the largest strikes of lightning ever created *Gyatso was pulling out of his dive, when suddenly, one bolt Zhoka: (shouts) General Voy, get one of those bison and take Voy: Right away sir! *General Voy and the rest of his battalion got on top of *The airbenders began retreating into the mountains to find *Many of the airbenders died in the battlefield, but some *Within minutes, the firebenders brutally killed the rest of Zhoka: (Whispers) You have fought well, but your people are Gyatso: (Whispers while panting) You may take the world for *One small tear trickled down the side of Gyatso???s face.* *With that, Zhoka charged up the lightning in his body, and *Zhoka stood on the mountain, overlooking the field Zhoka: This day, we have taken the Southern Air Temple! They *The rest of the men shouted in conquest.* *Among the green battlefield, however, there was no longer *Just then, Zhoka heard the words of his father. ???Remember *Balance, Zhoka ??*A tear stroked his face. Zhoka had realized his brutal |
tico1125 wrote: | ||
Simply AWESOME!?? I had goosebumps through the whole thing.?? Definitely going to be among the top 5! |
Taang_Forever wrote: |
^ Thanks for the toy info. I wanted to describe them but I didn't know what they were. ![]() |
Taang_Forever wrote: |
Sleepy hollow had a lot of beheading and it was PG-13. Anyway, I have some stuff I have to do around the house today, and possibly tomorrow and the day after that. (I promised I would paint the Kitchen before my vacation ends) So tico, if you could tell me when we're gonna begin writing to divide up my time and all, that'd be great. |
Okay, I'll be sure to do that.
Well I think we will have the winners determined hopefully by Saturday.?? Then we can get started by Sunday or next week.
That's great! I'm sure I'll be done by then.
electricblue18 wrote: |
hehe... It's kinda long, but I think it's ok for now. I might right a story scene later. I'm better at those. This was the scene I used: Meanwhile the evil monk goes to Fire Nation Palace, *The Evil Monk has arrived at the Palace in secrecy, and Evil Monk: (Whispers) The day has come, Fire Lord Sozin. The Sozin: (Intimidating voice) You speak as a great admiral, *Evil Monk bows to Sozin* Evil Monk: (Cowardly) B-b-b-but sir, I AM a great admiral. I Sozin: That is where you are wrong. Guards, take this *Evil Monk gives Sozin a baffled look* Evil Monk: (Confused) Wh-wh-what!?!? I just gave you the Sozin: You have given us valuable information, and we thank *The Evil Monk is dragged off into the dark, vague dungeons Fire Nation Palace, *Sozin is giving a speech to his admirals, who wait in silence Sozin: You, you are the admirals that will take out the Air *Sozin sits back down, and bows his head in silence* Admiral Zhoka: You are right, Fire Lord Sozin. This is the Sozin: The first temple to fall will be where the traitor *Admirals give Sozin a baffled look* Admiral Zhoka: Wh-what do you mean!? We are not THAT strong. Sozin: (Whispers) But I have made a discovery??? a discovery *Admirals salute Sozin, and they all walk out of the chamber *After journeying across the ocean to the Southern Air Invasion of the Southern Air Temple, *Camera zooms in on the Fire Nation army with all of the men Admiral Zhoka: No, no, you have it all wrong young private! *Messenger runs up to Admiral Zhoka, panting* Messenger: (Panting) Admiral Zhoka, Admiral Zhoka! Zhoka: What, what is it lad!?!? Messenger: (Worried) It???s the Air Nomads, sir! They spotted Zhoka: (Fierce) ROUND UP THE LIGHTNING TEAM! THEY MUST BE *Zhoka takes out the war horn, and mumbles to himself about *Zhoka took out the war horn once again, and blew it yet Monk Gyatso: (Shouting) You will NOT take our home away from Zhoka: Quick! Get to the trebuchets! It does not matter if *Zhoka and the team of lightningbenders kneeled down on one *Thirty of the largest strikes of lightning ever created *Gyatso was pulling out of his dive, when suddenly, one bolt Zhoka: (shouts) General Voy, get one of those bison and take Voy: Right away sir! *General Voy and the rest of his battalion got on top of *The airbenders began retreating into the mountains to find *Many of the airbenders died in the battlefield, but some *Within minutes, the firebenders brutally killed the rest of Zhoka: (Whispers) You have fought well, but your people are Gyatso: (Whispers while panting) You may take the world for *One small tear trickled down the side of Gyatso???s face.* *With that, Zhoka charged up the lightning in his body, and *Zhoka stood on the mountain, overlooking the field Zhoka: This day, we have taken the Southern Air Temple! They *The rest of the men shouted in conquest.* *Among the green battlefield, however, there was no longer *Just then, Zhoka heard the words of his father. ???Remember *Balance, Zhoka ??*A tear stroked his face. Zhoka had realized his brutal |
confucioussayhi wrote: |
This past idea is really good, but we already know how it will end. All we're doing is making up what we thought would've happened. My first fanfic was a rewrite and it flopped, but my new one is doing great because its original. I'm not bashing the past plot but Taang and I had a great idea. If Iroh and Bumi die in the series, then make Zuko the firelord and don't put Bumi in the movie. Whatever you all want to do though. |
Eyes_Only61646 wrote: |
**Walks out from under a rock** How'd I not notice this thread before...Anyway, I was on some other thread and they told me to come here...Looks like I missed a lot.... |
obsessedchic1 wrote: | ||
Oh yeah, I was on that thread. |
obsessedchic1 wrote: |
tico, there is a part in the plot where you mention Iroh heavily drinking and thoughts of commiting suicide...I don't think that really is appropiate for this, unless we change him into a state of depression in a different way. Like not caring for anything that might happen to him or any of his soldiers until he finds out about Ursula leaving and Zuko's need for love, as he already knows Zuko's relationship with his father. Then he realizes that he needs to get over his son's death and try to take care of Zuko as if he were his own son. |
Eyes_Only61646 wrote: | ||||
Eyes_Only61646 wrote: | ||||
Bit I???ve wrote about: Years went by and by the age of 11 Aang was told of his parents story though not of him being the Avatar. Aang now being a master of Airbending decided that he wanted to try and find his parents.
Beginning Of The Scene:
Aang and Gyatso are meditating in a field near the Southern Air Temple. The sky is blue and the air is peaceful; the perfect conditions for meditation. We can see the eleven year old Aang fidgeting, apparently bored. After a moment he relaxes his position, stretching his legs out and turns to Gyatso.
Aang: Monk Gyatso, I have a question.
Gyatso does not move or open his eyes.
Gyatso: It seems you have not quite grasped the concept of meditation yet, young one. (whispering) We must be quiet.
Aang: Sorry.
Aang resumes his meditation position, but after a minute stops again and turns to Gyatso.
Aang: But it???s a really good question.
Gyatso sighs and opens his eyes, also stretching out.
Gyatso: Okay then Aang, you may ask. (Gyatso smiles slightly) I suppose inner peace and tranquillity can wait.
Suddenly Aang seems unsure and embarrassed, beginning to absent-mindedly picks at the grass.
Aang: It???s just???lately, I???ve been wondering???well, about my parents.
Gyatso???s face falls at Aang???s statement. Noticing this, Aang hurriedly speaks.
Aang: I???m sorry. I shouldn???t have brought it up. It was dumb.
Gyatso sighs again and shakes his head sadly.
Gyatso: No, you have every right to ask. What do you want to know?
Aang (eagerly): Anything. Everything. Did you ever meet them?
Gyatso: Yes, a very long time ago. You were two years old, and already showing promise of a great Airbender. Your parents were good people. They wanted the best for you, so that???s why they took you here.
Aang: What were their names?
Gyatso: If memory serves, your mother was Remi and your father was Tong. You have your mother???s eyes, but your father???s chin.
Aang: And whose hair do I have?
(Both Aang and Gyatso laugh)
Aang: Have you heard from them since they left here?
Gyatso: I???m afraid not. I???ve heard stories of their travels, however, and it seems they were both adventurous. Just like you.
Aang looks down, disappointed.
Aang: So there???s no way to tell if they???re still alive???
Gyatso can???t think of a suitable answer for this, so remains quiet. Suddenly, Aang looks up.
Aang: There isn???t anything left to learn in Airbending for me now, is there? I???ve learnt everything.
Gyatso: There is no such thing as learning everything to do with Airbending. You???ll create your own techniques in later life.
Aang: But there???s nothing left for me to do now, right?
Gyatso frowns.
Gyatso: I???m not quite sure where you???re heading with this, Aang.
Aang smiles sheepishly.
Aang: I???m just saying that if I were to leave, just for awhile, I wouldn???t miss anything important???
Gyatso (cautiously): I suppose not.
Aang: And travelling will be good for me. I???d get to learn about life outside the temple.
Gyatso looks at Aang, a slightly confused look on his face.
Gyatso: ???You want to find your parents?
Aang nods solemnly.
Aang: Only if it???s okay by you. I need closure about them, perhaps even get to know them if they???re still alive.
Gyatso nods, although a little reluctantly.
Gyatso: I understand. I???m sure it will be fine with the other monks too. You go pack your belongings and I???ll talk to them.
Aang stands up and bows to Gyatso.
Aang: Thank you.
Gyatso nods again and gestures for Aang to go, smiling. Aang runs off quickly, and the smile disappears from Gyatso???s face, a worried look replacing it. Gyatso sighs and stands up, then begins to walk off, in the direction of the temple.
End of scene.
Hope you liked it although it was kind of short and had a lot of stage directions
tico1125 wrote: | ||
That could work too.?? I was just throwing it out there.?? The whole point is that he does become depressed.?? I was just trying to tie in his spirit world experience that was mentioned in the Siege of the North Part 1.?? See that is something they have not explained in the show just yet and I am wondering if it has to do with an encounter that he had with his son.?? |