nightwing_gaang wrote: | ||
OMG!!! THEY GOT THE ACTUAL TRAILER!!!!! *has fangasim* thats the only way they could get screenshots that good!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!! |
I know right!! You need to check them out; they're even MORE INSANE!!!
Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
nightwing_gaang wrote: | ||
OMG!!! THEY GOT THE ACTUAL TRAILER!!!!! *has fangasim* thats the only way they could get screenshots that good!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!! |
xRamensx wrote: |
Omg.. She really is crying! This is a momentous occasion, guyths. |
PsychoPass wrote: | ||
I would, but I'm scared of her mad hairbrush skillz.
xRamensx wrote: | ||||
I would, but I'm scared of her mad hairbrush skillz. |
Maybe she is pulling a Zuko...making you feel bad for her and them BAM
VladimirCrow wrote: |
Damn, Azula. She is just too cool, I hope she doesn't die, or at least not in a stupid way. |
The only good way she could die is if she just explodes from awesomeness. Trufax.
PsychoPass wrote: | ||||
Holy crap that screenshot just made me cry. It did. Wow.
I just got thinking about how Azula probably really hates her mother, even though I'm sure her mother has always loved her. Azula just can't accept the inherent love of another person, so she fights against it, mistaking the need of her mother's love for anger. The poor thing... we've all felt that way. But when it comes down to it, Azula, this flaw is will be your downfall.
...Just like Voldemort.
ravenfilange24 wrote: | ||||||
Holy crap that screenshot just made me cry. It did. Wow. I just got thinking about how Azula probably really hates her mother, even though I'm sure her mother has always loved her. Azula just can't accept the inherent love of another person, so she fights against it, mistaking the need of her mother's love for anger. The poor thing... we've all felt that way. But when it comes down to it, Azula, this flaw is will be your downfall. ...Just like Voldemort. |
ravenfilange24 wrote: |
Holy crap that screenshot just made me cry. It did. Wow. I just got thinking about how Azula probably really hates her mother, even though I'm sure her mother has always loved her. Azula just can't accept the inherent love of another person, so she fights against it, mistaking the need of her mother's love for anger. The poor thing... we've all felt that way. But when it comes down to it, Azula, this flaw is will be your downfall. ...Just like Voldemort. |
Maylene wrote: | ||
And I was VERY thrilled to see that screencap of Azula crying that I started to jump up and down because it shows a more human side to Azula. I just hope she doesn't die cuz she's my fav. character. I know she's gonna be defeated, I just hope she doesn't croak in the process of it. |
Haha, I believe I started a thread argueing exactly that. But people convinced me otherwise somehow. Here's the link:
EvilTwin77 wrote: |
Yeah, Azula obviously showed sociopathic tendencies from a young age. I don't think Ursa really favored Zuko until she realized that. |
ravenfilange24 wrote: |
Haha, I believe I started a thread argueing exactly that. But people convinced me otherwise somehow. Here's the link: |
LoL I check it out. ^_^
Maylene wrote: | ||
But then again, when Azula wanted to have Ursa make Zuko play with her, Ursa sided with Azula, not Zuko (despite Zuko's protests). So it's not like Ursa was anti Azula for Azula's whole childhood. My guess would be that any impression Azula got that Ursa thought she was a monster came in the final days, or even the final conversation that they had the night that Ursa fled the palace. All we have to go on in regards to Ursa's parenting is Zuko's memories in Zuko alone, and she seemed to give equal parenting to both kids (speaking as a mom of two myself).
I've been told a couple of things on the favoritism thing. One is "If you don't have a favorite, you don't know your kids." The other is "You love all your kids, just in different ways." I'm more of a subscriber to the last one. I couldn't pick a favorite out either of my kids. My youngest is only 17 months, however, so it's not like his personality is fully developed But at different times, one will get more attention than the other, based on what each of their needs might be.
Obviously, since the youngest is still in the baby phase, there's still the diapers, a lot more supervision, etc. that I have to worry about, and that detracts from the attention that the 5 1/2 year old gets. But on the other hand, when the older one need help with home work, and the younger one is safe, fed, diapered, etc., there isn't a reason he can't fuss for several minutes while I help her out. When it comes to having more than one kid, it's always about balancing whose needs are most immediate.
I think up until thing start going badly, she tried to treat them as balanced as she could. There's really no "even stevens" in parenting.
She also wasn't aware that Zuko knew that Azula did that, so it wasn't as if she left Azula alone more than Zuko. They were, what, eight and nine when the Zuko Alone flash back was done? There probably would have been some sort of courtier arround keeping an eye on them even while Ursa was off attending to whatever she was doing. She probably had some sort of royal duties of her own (she was the only royal hostess, so she would have been in charge of the things the queen would be in charge of, whatever those are )
It's also been established that Azula had groupies - Mai and Ty Lee - while Zuko tended to be the loner. So Ursa could had felt it necessary to fill the void, or Zuko could have been Ursa's shadow (I've seen both scenarios in young kids). It kind of seems like it was the first, since she kind of ditched him the first opportunity she got.
As for Azula getting upset and throwing the mirror, I'll think about it over night and get back to you...LOL. My lil' monkies have drained me and I gotta get some sleep.
hadoka is back woot (thanks to for the way better clearer pics)