ok! i think it's settled! we're doing an avatar movie, and blindbandit will be... uh.... gravy was it? and i'm the director, and zutarabelevia is.... katara? oh, forget the director! i want to be toph!!!! (and when toph's not in a scene, i'll be director)
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ok! i think it's settled! we're doing an avatar movie, and blindbandit will be... uh.... gravy was it? and i'm the director, and zutarabelevia is.... katara? oh, forget the director! i want to be toph!!!! (and when toph's not in a scene, i'll be director)
I wanna be Katara!
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well..... uh..... zutarabelevia and i and blindbandit already agreed that the next person would be the bad guy.... sorry. maybe the NEXT person could be the bad guy..... fine, you can be iroh.
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ok, let me get this strait: zutarabelevia is katara, blindbandit is... uh...gravy? and sadist_activist is iroh, and onceinabluemoon is the snack lady. and don't forget me, toph ands the director. wait, that's 5 people! and we need toph and katara, so.... either gravy, snack lady, or iroh goes.... which one?
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