Thanks, man. Also, I think it would be better if the winner were decided by poll, instead of one person. This would guard against favoritism (not that I'm accusing anyone of this!), plus it seems like a lot of posters tend to disagree with the winning choice. If we did this the winner could still pick the next episode. Just a suggestion.
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So does anyone else think that this game would be better if you could only submit one title? Seems like the multiple tries dilutes the whole game.
you know what.....i'll see if we can do that. i'll make a poll and see whether or not people want 1, 2, 3, ,4 or 5 as the maximum. that way, its fair. i'll creat it today, and on wendsday, the mojority will win
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So does anyone else think that this game would be better if you could only submit one title? Seems like the multiple tries dilutes the whole game.
you know what.....i'll see if we can do that. i'll make a poll and see whether or not people want 1, 2, 3, ,4 or 5 as the maximum. that way, its fair. i'll creat it today, and on wendsday, the mojority will win
Sounds great, picabooman! Seriously, limiting the entries to one title will force people to come up with their one best attempt and make the contest much more interesting. That's how most contests are run, right? Plus there won't be anymore confusion about which title actually won. LOL
Oh, and here's my entry for "The Boiling Rock":
"Reunion and Betrayal"
Edited on 05/16/2008 1:20pm
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The obgective of this game is really simple....rename any episode title.
I will say any random title, and you guys will think of a new title for that episode.
The winner will say another episode, and then other people will rename it.
Its basically like Dub the Framegrab from Tomitan, except the winner chooses an episodes and people rename it.
The winner has to choose an episode in one day or 24 hours. If winner doesn't than the runner up chooses the episode title. Judging must take place withing two days.
If the episode is an episode that hasn't aired yet on TV or DVD, please put the new title in a spoiler tag since titles sometimes have spoilers and you might know what the episode is about if you somehow already watched it (unlikely).
Any episode from the pilot to the boiling rock is okay for use.
Edit: The maximum number of entries you can make is 5.
Edit: There is apoll... Everyone please choose!
I'll start:
Crossroads of Destiny
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