Nalesnik wrote: |
StarWarsGuru66 wrote: | What kind of religious belief do the peopel in Avatar have?.I know believe in the??spirit world and spirts but in the episode "Bitter Work" Zuko yells at the sky during the storm and say's they have never held back befor.that kinda seems to indicate a more??monotheistic??religion.So what do you think there belief system is? Montheistic or Polytheistic or somthing completely different. Just wondering what other peopel think. | I think the whole Zuko yelling at the sky was not at a god or gods. It was just him against the world. he was yelling at the world in general, it he never had any luck, so why would he have luck now, and not be struck by lightning. That was one of my fav scenes in avatar. |
yeah I think??that might be true to.but to me sense he said "you've never held back before" it seemed like he was yelling at someone or somthing.. or it could be the two combind like he's angry at the world and what ever God or gods control it.