I must take a moment to address the fact that Zutara seems to be losing ground in the war of shippings. Apparently, some people find it funny that two opposites could attract. Well, it's not funny or romantic in the slightest! In fact, Zutara has hidden to the far reaches of fanfiction.net, where there are more Zutara stories than Kataang.
Now, b4 you say in b4 the lock, remember that this thread is not for speculating about the shippings (there are several other available threads for this topic) Only for us all to answer one question I felt needed to be asked.
Is Zutara weaker or stronger than it was six months ago?
Now, my personal opinion is weaker, as Katara and Aang's relationship has blossomed over the course of season 3. However, in the minds of the apparent thousands of Zutarians, Zutara is as strong as it ever was (not very strong to begin with but still kicking.) after all, the season 2 finale had Katara placing her hand on Zuko's burn (causing thousands of Zutarians to worship the image that has become the center of Zutaria.) and also for that moment, it gave Zutarians the most hope they've had in aong time. Even better was the season 3 fight between Zuko and Mai, which raised concerns from Kataang disciples as to whether or not they are a lasting couple. However, many people still believe that this is how it will pa out in the end.
Now, concerning Maiko, (Zutarians please do not take this quote as ammo) I do not feel that it is a lasting relationship, but I feel that Zuko will not fall for Katara in the end either, he will either be alone or with Mai. I'm 99% sure Maiko will last until the epilogue, but I wish it wouldn't. I don't like the pairing.
So does Zutara actually have it's points after all? Maybe, I am a Kataang man myself, but it is shown many times that Katara sees Aang as a sibling or brother more often than she sees him as a lover. This is mostly because she still sees him as the younger boy he truly is, only until recently has Kataang been given so much power, as in season 3 there are MANY examples, while there are no examples of Zutara.
So in the end, Zutara is a figment of wishful thinking by people who dissaprove of Aang being younger and having a crush on Katara.