I have seen all 40 episodes of Avatar so far,
What the creators never seem to bother to put is:
If Aang had just stayed with the monks, what can he do to stop the Fire Nation then, it would have just one extra person fighting with the monk, he even didn't even know about the avatar state.
If he stayed, who would have taught earthbending, waterbending, and firebending with a war going on. They might too busy to help him
If you have noticed, aang's teachers are girls, they don't have to go to war, even though Toph is the best earthbender and katara is very excellent. Seeing this Aang had a better chance learning the four element now than the past
If you believe the title, they're aren't anymore airbenders. Now you are telling that a whole race of people were killed off, they must have been one smart couple who ran away, maybe even 4[so the race will always be populated] and what happens if aang needs to keep the pure breed airbender line going, what about katara
Can love Katara still
Will there be an episode on aang's parents
What century is the show taken place there no guns but metal drills and ships
Since Aang is the Avatar, does he need his own temple
How can?? chapter 3 happen if aang has to learn how to firebend
1. Firebenders are hated everywhere
2. Fire might show sadness and pain since many loved ones were killed by the fire nation
3. He just can't hide from the fire nation, the show wouldn't be the same without battles
When Aang defeats the Fire Lord, who will be next in line
Azula Uncle or Zuko
Can Aang get married and have children
and finally what will happen to appa and momo since there is none of their kind left
how sad