Standard anti AWS game/list thread, you know the drill. It ends when Season 3 returns in the US.
Add to the list also things you would be willing to give up or stop doing in order for Avatar to return. (They don't have to be serious).
1. Watch an episode from your DVDs in order Every Friday night.
2. Get someone else into Avatar. (Trust me, it's a fun challenge, and watch if they don't take an Avatar personality test the next day.)
3. Post on this forum.
4. Complain at Spacerac for making a list thread (beat ya to it)
5. Proclaim first
6. Pwn n00bs
7. Become a 1337 hax0r
8. Learn what a 1337 hax0r does
9. Increase comedy output
10. Do nothing
BRAND NEW AVATAR RESUMES JULY 14, 2008! This thread will now never end.Edited 13 total times.