Regardless of what your feelings are about Nick or about Nick's decisions regarding Avatar TV.com members here SHOULD have the right to complain or offer dissenting opinions if they wish, especially in ONLY ONE thread on the forum devoting to said topic.
You have turned a thread who's topic was fairly self-explanatory....news about the change of the possible debut airdate in July for the return of Avatar....into a debate about hating Nick.
THAT is NOT the subject of this thread.
For those who have come in here and essentially taken over a thread in an off-topic manner, that's a violation of the TOS and is completely UNACCEPTABLE.
I realize the forum is fairly lax on this point but what if we ALL went into EVERY single thread and posted on an entirely different subject...not wander off topic for a few posts, but totally took over the thread with an off-topic debate?!?
The fact is freedom of speech SHOULD be a right enjoyed by everyone here...that includes people who want room to vent about Nick.
I've said SEVERAL times in this thread, if you don't like what is being said here GO TO ANOTHER THREAD.
No one is forcing you to stay here. No one is forcing you to read and enjoy every post.
You have an EQUAL right to not wish to have NICK-BASHING all over the forum as the people of this thread have to vent their frustrations at Nick.
I do not have 10 threads about this news circulating the forum. There WAS just this one.
This is a public forum not a Nazi Police State!
Are you all proposing that ANY dissenting opinions against Nick be BANNED from the forum, because that is where we are headed if this is what happens to anyone who offers a point of view you do not like or care for.
Now I am the posterchild for Nick-hatred. I admit that freely. But I did NOTHING like that in this thread AT ALL. In fact I went the opposite direction...offering some thoughts about possible bright sides to what happened and tried my best to encourage everyone to look more at the S3 Finale Trailer as proof positive Nick will definitely somehow enable fans to see the remainder of S3.
Apparently that was not sufficient to ward off the complete overthrow of this thread.
HIGHLORD I cannot delete this thread only you can do that. But as the author I request that you do so because what started as just conveying news has been turned into a Nick-bashing debate thread. That was NEVER the intent. It was NEVER intended to be a Nick-hate thread as the original post said so in plain and completely obvious language.
Something to think about...you know the threads you like to post in a great deal, what if someone comes on the forum and decides they don't like what's being said in them and either systematically takes them so off-topic they must be deleted or reports them for abuse because they are 'offensive' in their eyes...maybe they aren't offensive to you or me, but you can't please everyone and they tank your thread?
Truly we should be VERY fearful in setting this precedent on the forum in destroying freedom of speech and free expression in threads, no one will be immune to it's grip.
That's how book burnings get started, that's how Nazi Germany got started...everyone had an idea about how life or a community SHOULD think and feel and proceeded to eliminate thoughts and ideas to the contrary.
No one here HAS ever espoused a forum full of Nick-hatred. All anyone wanted to do in this thread was vent and get over it. That's it.
Apparently that was too much to ask.
Yeah it's true.
If you go to Nick.com and click on the Avatar icon to go to Avatar's TV site on Nick the banner scroll which once read:
Avatar Returns to Nickelodeon July 14!
Now reads:
Watch Avatar Only On Nickelodeon!
Read it and weep link: http://www.nick.com/shows/avatar/index.jhtml
Did anyone else just LOL at the 'Watch Avatar Only On Nickelodeon' because you know Nick would have to ACTUALLY air Avatar for us to watch it ONLY on Nickelodeon.
Come on guys, you have to laugh or you will just cry.
Buck up. We still have the glory of the S3 Finale Trailer to bask in...so chins up.
Nickelodeon has to air new episodes or release them to DVD eventually. We can wait it out.
We've come this far over the past three years, only roughly three more months to go! LOL
We can do it!
Edited 5 total times.