Being someone who has spoken directly to the Nickelodeon Intellectual Property Manager personally on several occasions I can tell you with 110 percent certainty that ALL Avatar fansite boards are read DAILY.
And ESPECIALLY because unlike ASN, DH or DBF there is no direct contact to remove illegal links. In other words Acastus and Pooldude have a relationship with Nickelodeon that they do not want placed in jeparody, so they will absolutely defer to Nick IP if asked.
Nick IP would have to go through channels at to get links removed. So they watch this board much more closely because we're technically unsupervised. No offense to HighLord.
So if you think for one second that publically saying you will be downloading your copy of BR:1 and BR:2 to Veoh just went unnoticed by Nick IP, think again.
And don't think for one moment the fact that you are only 14 years old will prevent Nick from cracking down on illegal downloads, because it won't.
For pity's sake, swallow your pride and edit your posts before you get into serious trouble.