like i finished avatar wat do i do now with the rest of my summer its pointless!!! i seriously like thought zuko was gona die, im like screaming at my tv dont die!!! i think the thing with his mother. it leaves u with a wat if scenario? but i found the whol episode as closure. but wat seriosly made me upset through the whole movie was the fact that BOOMERANG never came back!!!!!!! lol but seriosly i was scared for toph and sokka their. i think the most touching scene really really really throughout the series (well maybe no the whole series but i cnt think of anything to top it)was when zuko reunited with iroh that was really i dunno its indiscribable!! well now im just guuna head to my dvr and watch it all over again.wat else..... u know the lion turtle thing this is seriously freaky im not evin liying when i first found out it was an animal i was like its probabaly some type of turtle lion or something...coinceidnce much?? i nevr really even understood wat the thing was saying though????
oh ya hahahahahha azula went crazy!!*ahh sweet justice* i do hope zuko finds his mother though but i had a feeling she would not appear in the finale. as much as i am a zutara fan i really was genuinly happy when mai showed up again, but im happy that katara and zuko became frends so i guess my zutara flag will be put away foer safe keeping at let maiko rise!!!! and id nevr thought id me typing this but long live kataang!!!!! the ending was very sweet its like after watching this i felt alotta closure, but i wonder wat about toph and her parents??? but i think if another season were created it would be about how the gang is still together trying restore the world togetther. yknow solving problems here n there. but i think a few fans mite not like that idea but thats how it continues in my head. i gotta say though NOT that i was in anyway disatisfied with the series or ending, i just wished that the fight with ozai(hes has no title n e more) and azula was LONGER!!! I love bending battles like the way aang used all 4 elements i wanted it to be longer and cooler. katara did some kickass bending though, that water block freeze thing or watevr was very smart. i wondered why she just didnt blood bend in her time of need but i figured she doesnt evr wanna resort to using it again ever. i thought the music they used for azula and zukos battle was good. but i really dnt think i can explain my shock on how i felt wen zuko got hit by that lightening! i gasped, and i nevr gasp i like REALLY thought he was gonna die. and so is suki goona leave sokka and go back with the kyoshi warriors??? well thats fine theyve been apart b4.
and well i guess thats all i have to say- oh WAIT that part were aang took aways loser lords bending was the sickest kickass part of the effing series!! with the friggin glowing lights (i know i sound very childish for a 14 yr old) man THAT was cool.
ok ok now im at the end of my rant
this sries/movie was kickass
Edited on 07/19/2008 10:45pm
Edited 3 total times.