Since the thread I originally posted this in has been locked I'll re post my ideal Aang's Firebending teacher situation(I've changed it a lil): *Aang returns with the item the teacher ordered him to gather in the Fire Nation jungle*?? The teacher: I'm disappointed. You went after the smallest bud of the??Chimeiteki plant??in the entire patch didn't you? Aang: *panting*??You could have told me they were man eating plants. The Teacher:??You should??have figured that out by the name.??Chimeiteki means lethal... Aang* -_-*: Anyway, how many of these training missions do I have to do before you start the real lessons? The teacher: Training missions? What training missions? *takes bite out of??the bud* Mmm that's tasty. Aang: What?!? You mean you sent me in the woods, to get you some food!?! The teacher: I was hungry. Besides, you looked like you needed the exercise more than me.??*finishes eating the bud and belches*??Are you ready to begin your real lessons? Aang: I can barely stand. Can we wait a few- *The teacher kicks him* Teacher*stands looming over Aang, hands starting to simmer with smoke*: Death does not wait for you to get ready! On your feet Avatar! |