I disagree, I won't consider Zuko underrated or overrated, he's just in a sweet spot of perfectly rated. Zuko has recieved the most character development, and he's as important, if not MOAR important, to the story than Aang. I would definetly consider Toph the most overrated character in the series. She gets sooo much attention from the fans, even tho she's a shallow, un-dynamic character. Almost everyone in the series has changed one way or the other, except her. She started off as a tough, "don't take no BS from anyone" bad@ss character, and that's what she still is, and that's what she will be at the end.
The fact that she only get an average of around 1 line per episode proves this. I would like to say that they should kill off her character at the finale, but she's not even important enough to kill off anyways :/
Edited on 04/10/2008 11:30pm