Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
PsychoPass wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||
that's because they are rivals!!! ok maybe not rivals, but SB has been causing a lot of trouble for avatards
andrep007 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||
that's because they are rivals!!! ok maybe not rivals, but SB has been causing a lot of trouble for avatards |
kris_arlens wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
And we shall DESTORY THEM
Princess_Sasuke wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
And we shall DEST |
esquisofrenic wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yeah we will get their space on tv after we are done with them, so we'll have a lot more avatar during the day!
(you meant peace i know, but my way is much better)
andrep007 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
yeah we will get their space on tv after we are done with them, so we'll have a lot more avatar during the day! (you meant peace i know, but my way is much better) |
esquisofrenic wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The yellow sponge must die!!!!!!
JasmineTea88 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The yellow sponge must die!!!!!! |
JasmineTea88 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The yellow sponge must die!!!!!! |
lets go avatards! lets get justice! let take back what they stole from us, lets be the ones adored by nick!
(yeah i should have my own army, i would do just fine!)
andrep007 wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
lets go avatards! lets get justice! let take back what they stole from us, lets be the ones adored by nick! (yeah i should have my own army, i would do just fine!) |
esquisofrenic wrote: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i'm done with my days of going to the SB forum and creating hate threads, i think i'll just deal with it, sb attracts more ppl than avatar, yeah the truth hurts a lot
samosfromhalo wrote: |
Sorry to interrupt the massive quote above me, but it's about 8:20 EST time, I think. So has the 313 title been revealed yet? It said it would be revealed today at 8pm EST on the site but I don't really go there often enough to have a membership there and it'll only be revealed in the forum/member chat thing so anyone registered on the site know the title? |
Nope. Stupid Spongebob in Atlantis movie. KILL
samosfromhalo wrote: |
What does a Spongebob movie have to do with an Avatar episode title being revealed on the internet on an Avatar site? |
Nothing, but lets hate him anyway.
Death to the yellow sponge!!!
samosfromhalo wrote: |
Sorry to interrupt the massive quote above me, but it's about 8:20 EST time, I think. So has the 313 title been revealed yet? It said it would be revealed today at 8pm EST on the site but I don't really go there often enough to have a membership there and it'll only be revealed in the forum/member chat thing so anyone registered on the site know the title? |
the1stavatar wrote: |
313 is the firebending masters. |
yeap, and that was the name i was hoping for! iroh will be back (i guess, after all, we know zuko is one of the masters, and i think jeong jeong might pop back again, but iroh must certainly will help the avatar)