I can't help but notice the similarities between avatar and fullmetal alchemist.
- Siblings discover great power semi-accidentally via the rage/mad skills of one sibling.
- Antagonistic bendcemist (lol) who uses fire notices siblings because of a bright flash of light.
- Roy, btw, looks alot like Zuko.
- Fire bendcemists have tramatic past. And are both emotastic! And are involved in relatsionships with long range weapons specialists.
- Siblings lost mummy, dad absent. Sibling better at bendcemy hates dad's guts for leaving.
- Earth bendcemist comes from a frakking rich family that are snooty like satan.
- Ed is short. So is aang. Toph too. All kick ass. Coincidence? I think not.
- Etc.
I'd add more, but I'm too tired. You can see where I'm going with it, right?
ATLA and FMA are kick ass shows. Anyone who says otherwise shall be decreed funny looking.