Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
why end ther the dirll V2.0 is gonna have transforming abilities like optimus and he's gonna turn into drillbot then he can do an MBison (from street fighter, you know that lilttle sping thing with fire) all through each walls in Bae sing sae
the avobe was sarcasam ok.
piranhapete wrote: |
What about hot air balloons? |
piranhapete wrote: |
What about hot air balloons? |
mithrandir11 wrote: | ||
I'd Find it Ironic if the firenation decided to use Hot Air Balloons in a siege against Ba Sing Se if the Avatar was there, seeing as how??Aang is an Air Bending Master already it wouldn't be very logical to employ the use of any machine that harnessed the power of air.
mithrandir11 wrote: |
Maybe there would be this massive Siege on the Earth Kingdom Capital, like Iroh's which lasted 600 days. Aang would go to the spirit world and speak with KOH again, and he would find the Earth Spirit to help them. |
Even though i would like to see Koh again, i think it would be way to similar to final episodes to book 1. They would probably end on a cliffhanger to build up suspence for book 3 which sucks for me, i won't be able to function untill season 3 comes out, I NEED CLOSURE!
mikho928 wrote: | ||||
I'd Find it Ironic if the firenation decided to use Hot Air Balloons in a siege against Ba Sing Se if the Avatar was there, seeing as how??Aang is an Air Bending Master already it wouldn't be very logical to employ the use of any machine that harnessed the power of air. |
Maybe, but attacking??a city full of earth benders when you're on the ground isn't the easiest thing to do either.
Mad_Scientist wrote: | ||||||
Maybe, but attacking a city full of earth benders when you're on the ground isn't the easiest thing to do either. |
Klen15 wrote: |
Chapter 20: The Drill Invasion: After the gang returns from the Eastern Air Temple, and have spoken with the Guru, They doscover that there is a HUGE invasion of drills heading tored the wall., Zuko and Iroh find out The Fire Nation is heading for the city and decide they should hide, so they won't get arrested. When they got back, some of the drills have broken through both walls, very few were destroyed by the Earth King and his soliders. The king told them that the Leader for the invasion was Azula, Mai and Tilee. Aang took out many Drills but he says he can't handle all of them. So the Earth King takes him to his Temple so he can go to the spirit world and contact a spirit, The Earth Spirit, So he goes to Co's cave and asks him about the earth spirit, The Co Spirit says it lies in the mortal world under the great temple of the east. Aang assumes it's the eastern air temple, So he flies there, and he asks The Guru where the Earth spirit isin an Under ground Earth TempleHe Earth Bends into it, He speaks to the Earth Spirit, and it gives aang wisdom to defeat the Fire Nation Drills. Zuko and Iroh head towards the outer wall and Azula confronts him, Zuko starts Battleling Azula, then Zuko sees aang and askes to join, he says he was ill and Had dreams that made him relize, he should join The group, But then Unleashes a Surprise attack on zuko, a lightning blasts in the heart then aang bursts into sadness and anger and triggers a very powerful attack in the avater state he used earth bending to destroy all the drills, And burys Azula alive. But azula's tank was yet to be destroyed, and before aang could destroy it, the Kyoshi warriors come running out of it, azula arrested them earlier, Katara discovers Zuko got SERIOUSLY injured, she uses her spirit water to Heal zuko, and it had a side affect, It healed his Scar! The Kyoshi Warriors Tell the group how they found appa, and got captured, and say there heading back to Kioshi Island. Zuko joins, and askes Iroh to come, But he says he will stay in the city and run his SPOILERS Tea shop in the upper ring. END SPOILERS So in the end Zuko is in the group, Azula's Gone, And Ba sing se no longer has a Dia lee and is safe from the Fire Nation. |
piranhapete wrote: |
What about hot air balloons? |
Klen15 wrote: | ||
They only had one baloon. |