This game was one of the easyest games i've ever played i beat this game in under two days. The game was good mostly because it had the avatar characters in it with alot of there classic hummor.??THEY DONT LET YOU FLY APPA!!??Zuko was only shown twice and only to hummilate him.??Main Villian??needed alot of work, she never even fought.. I personally like to hand to hand my??Main Villian at the end of a game and beat them down hard.??The storyline and plot are more on the needs some work, but still not horrible. The different armor / items dint make any of the charaters look different even if you got an item just for 'aang' or 'sokka', known as set items (The game said charaters very customizable?).??BTW, Sokkas the best untill you get Aangs torrnado type move, and sokka then becomes second best. Katara is in your group just to heal and do focus moves, and haru dosent even do much of anything except focus moves. I liked that the whole game was basically drawn because thats alot of skill, but it dosent make it that great for player. Minimap should be changed because sometimes it looks like you can go to an area when you really cant.
Any questions on this topic i'll help answer.. I'm gonna play this and get every quest so im 100% and i'll have to see what kind of Bonus Features you unlock.