I've got the link to the poster, and I posted that thing with the Avatar Wiki and how Mike and Bryan are going to make another series in a previous thread
. If you read the interview, it just states that they would like to continue in the series, it's never been confirmed that they will. It's also a Wiki, anyone can edit it, so it's not for sure that will happen. As much as we wish for a continuation (more seasons) or a new series, it's all up to the creators. This news should be revealed this Friday, July 25th at the San Diego Comic Con. Be sure to check things out after the Avatar Panel. It has been said that Mike and Bryan have HUGE announcement about Avatar, probably about the future of Avatar. And no, it will most likely not be about the movies, because they already announced that at last year's San Diego Comic Con, and so much information has already been released. So, it would be kind of dumb for them to announce something we already know about. We'll just have to stick it out 4 more days until the Avatar Panel is presented. Be sure to use your DVR to record G4 throughout all of the days of Comic Con. Although, we're unsure if they'll be covering the Avatar Panel 
Also... don't get your hopes up about the new series, try and find a way to be content with what we have right now... I'm attempting to do that, but it's rather hard
. I know we all want to have Bryke make a new series, or more seasons. And if they don't do either of those, us Avatards will be very disappointed.
The link to the poster is right here.
The link to the video of the Avatar Panel of San Diego's 2007 Comic Con is here.
For more information about this years Avatar Panel at San Diego's 2008 Comic Con, click here and then go to the far left side and enter Avatar into the search box. It should come up with some information about the Avatar Panel (the times, date, summary, etc).
Edited on 07/21/2008 1:54pm