Super Cactus Juice- Increases Power of Sokka, when paired with friendly mushroom cloud, causes crazy sokka dance attack.
It's Over 9000 Cactus Juice- Causes anyone, and everyone, to go offically insane. When Paired with Joo Dee, causes her to transform into Ultra Crazy Joo Dee
Mushroom Cloud- When Sokka has Cactus Juice attached, his stats go up. When Sokka has Super Cactus Juice, Sokka can do crazy sokka dance. It may be friendly.
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lots of people do, let's make a list shall we: nalesnik sureok 1337bloodbender kas_dude meauxx toasterM me zelhherd minaleii mapletree46 pc_fan03 dr. avatar XXX100DEMONSXXX marrylarry zukofangirl2006 alexvoda 16 people seem to disagree with you there. sorry.
@firstavatar, i'll make 1 of them now, i can't be bothered to do too many.
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