Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
Kataras dead mom+ Ursa+ Hamma
Necrophilia FTW!
Lorohli FTW! (Lo+Iroh+Li)
Soko (Song+Zuko)
The Bouldshot (The Bolder + Longshot)
Hipoph (Hippo+ Toph)
Ty Mee (Ty Lee+ Mai)
Hahnao (Hahn+ Zhao)
and my favorite...
JUNROH! (Jun+Iroh)
Are u suggesting a gangbanging of 4 young teenage boys against an old lady that controls people like puppets?
It's not a triangle, hon, it's an actual pairing. It even has it's own theme anthem. Look up Gunther & The Sunshine Girls's "Touch Me"
Zukaang has the best theme song. XD
That's probably best. XD
And the Zukaang one is worse. I like the Taang one though; Hercules "I Won't Say I'm in Love". Susan Egan's awesome..
That is all.
Zhue(dead corpse of Zhao+Yue)
Nah, I think Zukka.
I can't take the line "That's rough, buddy" seriously anymore.