There was a thread recently talking about an experiment that proved waterbending was actually possible. I would like to elaborate on that a bit more since the thread is a ways back now and I doubt any bumps will ressurect it, lol.
Ever since I saw Avatar: The Last Airbender for the first time my lust for knowledge regarding gung fu (kung fu) multiplied exponentialy. I read everything I could on the subject of traditional Chinese martial arts and I can easily believe I've merely grazed the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. After many web sites and even more books I've learned some things I never thought possible.
An example of firebending
In Avatar's first season finale "Siege of the North," Iroh mentions to Zuko, before he sets out alone to capture Aang, that he must remember his "breath of fire" techniques and that it just might save his life. This is not far fetched at all. Did you know there were chi practices/techniques called "The Breath of Fire?" Long ago this ability was used in the same fashion as Zuko had. Through honing one's chi, one could generate a great deal of heat by using only your breath. This proved quite useful when enduring or travelling through extremely cold weather. Not a very uncommon thing in the Northern parts of China.
An example of airbending
Another story was by the author of one of the books I read which explains alot about Ba Gua and gung fu's internal arts in general. His instructor would sit in the back room performing calligraphy (ancient Chinese calligraphy consisted of a long stick used to write certain characters into what looked like a small, square sandbox full guessed it.....sand). This practice is used to enhance or hone someone's chi level and when done correctly it can be quite efficient. When his instructor would write calligraphy, the man would practice Ba Gua and when doing so would feel as if the air he was walking through was as thick as mud. Often he would even feel his instructor correct his posture and forms from the other room, as if the air itself was tutoring him.
An example of earthbending
After visiting India to study Kundalini Yoga, an East Indian internal form of self defense based on chi as well, the same man wanting to learn about Ba Gua travelled to China to study with a very proficient master of gung fu. After much work he realized he was not getting anywhere with the Yoga. Granted Kundalini Yoga is one of the first forms of self defense, therefor one of the eldest, he didn't seem to be honing much of anything. He entered the sparring room and asked the man to show him a demonstration of Ba Gua. The elderly man arose and began to do so, going through many different combinations and such. As the old man began to conclude, the younger student said he felt a very, very strange feeling come over him. As the old man performed his last move, one foot struck the floor in a massive, final strike and shook the entire building.
After reading so much about the internal arts of gung fu I began to realize that much of bending could be quite real before too long. If one would be able to unlock all seven of their chakras and study hard and long enough, I could see certain abilities well within grasp. Chi is a very powerful thing and the mind even more so. It has been known to cure diseases (not too far from waterbending, no?), aid the elderly (elderly men that are barely able to walk summoning chi to practically dance around the room!) and even more.
I don't know if anyone will read this but if so, feel free to respond. I don't claim to know everything by ANY means but I am always up for questions and such.....