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katara or azula

who would win in a showdown between katara and azula?

  • Avatar of Falcondude123


    [21]Dec 20, 2006
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    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    adidaZuko wrote:

    Bandage2 wrote:
    it's pretty much based on strategy, Katara proved she's a smarter fighter than azula, she took away azula's hands and feet which is the key to azula's bending.

    But??where did she learn??how to strategize like that? In the beggining of the show she??could barely bend let alone come up with a fight plan. You could say Pakku, but all we ever saw him teach her were a??few moves not any philosophie or anything, and if he did teach her these things, wouldn't Aang know them as well and have been able to beat Azula, too? I'm just saying, they overdid her abilities and it's just annoying, but, again,??at this point I??don't care??only because I love waterbending and if they have to exagerate??my least favorite character to highlight it, so be it.??

    They didn't show everything with Pakku. If they did, we would have had another episode based around it. The main purpose of those little training meets were to be based around the fact that Pakku IS training Katara, but they didn't have enough time, nor need to, show us everything. I mean c'mon even with Aang, we only saw 1 true episode of Toph teaching him and he seems to have gotten the hang of it..its around the same basis. Anyway, I chose Katara even though I think, like everyone else said, its based upon the setting. I think they both are one of the best of their kind. (Considering their age) IF they were to fight again I'm sure it will be better because in that fight Azula didn't use any lightning moves against Katara (even before Katara had her wrapped up). Despite this, I think they are bothed equally strong for their own element.

    No one cares if they are "equally strong for their own element." What matters is who thinks and moves the fastest to win the fight. Fights are also often dependant upon the surroundings. ESPECIALLY considering that they are using elements to fight eachother. Katara was near that underground river when she was beating Azula, but anywhere else she wouldn't have much of a chance. I voted katara, cause she is smarter than azula who acts before she thinks about the consequences. (like when she tried to shoot Zuko in 'avatar state'.)
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  • Avatar of tico1125


    [22]Dec 20, 2006
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    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    adidaZuko wrote:

    Bandage2 wrote:
    it's pretty much based on strategy, Katara proved she's a smarter fighter than azula, she took away azula's hands and feet which is the key to azula's bending.

    But where did she learn how to strategize like that? In the beggining of the show she could barely bend let alone come up with a fight plan. You could say Pakku, but all we ever saw him teach her were a few moves not any philosophie or anything, and if he did teach her these things, wouldn't Aang know them as well and have been able to beat Azula, too? I'm just saying, they overdid her abilities and it's just annoying, but, again, at this point I don't care only because I love waterbending and if they have to exagerate my least favorite character to highlight it, so be it.

    They didn't show everything with Pakku. If they did, we would have had another episode based around it. The main purpose of those little training meets were to be based around the fact that Pakku IS training Katara, but they didn't have enough time, nor need to, show us everything. I mean c'mon even with Aang, we only saw 1 true episode of Toph teaching him and he seems to have gotten the hang of it..its around the same basis. Anyway, I chose Katara even though I think, like everyone else said, its based upon the setting. I think they both are one of the best of their kind. (Considering their age) IF they were to fight again I'm sure it will be better because in that fight Azula didn't use any lightning moves against Katara (even before Katara had her wrapped up). Despite this, I think they are bothed equally strong for their own element.

    The above is something I was going to point out too.?? You see Aang struggle with Earthbending in Bitter Work and then by the end of the season he molding rock around his body and doing a lot of things that Toph can.?? Pakku said that Katara picked everthing up quickly.?? He considered her a master.?? You asked why Aang did not pickup on the the philosphy that Katara learned.?? My answer to that is simply look how he fooled around with the training as it was.?? Aang holds back on his power because he is very innocent in his nature.?? If he really wanted to I am sure he could have taken out Azula and Zuko easily.?? Think about it for a moment, in the second episode of the first season Aang went into the Avatar State and controlled the water better than Katara did at that time and Zuko stood no chance.?? Then with the Avatar State episode he pretty much leveled General Fong and his base.?? Now he let his guard down in the finale and that was how Azula got to him but I doubt that is going to happen again.?? Katara is a natural when it comes to waterbending.?? Just the same as Azula being a natural in fire bending.?? But it comes down to the 2 different element types that I said earlier.?? One is energy and the other is substance.
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  • Avatar of Emzie9546


    [23]Dec 20, 2006
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    We are dealing with the natural opposites of water and fire. when they mix they make steam and there really is no way to determine who would win. We see super protige azula and we see kick a$$ katara. i think it depends on the enviorment and the condition that the fighter are fighting under.
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  • Avatar of white_rabbit112


    [24]Dec 20, 2006
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    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

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  • Avatar of rsbrry_3


    [25]Dec 20, 2006
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    You said it!!!!!!!!!:D
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  • Avatar of rsbrry_3


    [26]Dec 20, 2006
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    You said it!!!!!!!
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  • Avatar of xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx


    [27]Dec 20, 2006
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    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    You're right. I personally like both but even so it depends on the person, not the bending. Katara always carries water anyway and since she's a bender its reusable, as shown in "The Desert". Just because Toph can "bend" metal, doesn't mean she is the greatest bender in all. She may be a powerful earthbender, but I'm sure someone could give her a run for her money.

    Now to stay on topic: Katara.
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  • Avatar of confucioussayhi


    [28]Dec 20, 2006
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    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all dead. Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.
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  • Avatar of white_rabbit112


    [29]Dec 20, 2006
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    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all dead. Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not dead (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

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  • Avatar of eneterprise


    [30]Dec 20, 2006
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    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all dead. Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not dead (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

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  • Avatar of xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx


    [31]Dec 20, 2006
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    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all dead. Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not dead (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
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  • Avatar of confucioussayhi


    [32]Dec 20, 2006
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    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all dead. Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not dead (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
    Yeah, I feel stupid I missed like three of the chakras and most of the water tribe parts. Sorry, but still the southern tribe isn't that impressive.
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  • Avatar of xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx


    [33]Dec 20, 2006
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    confucioussayhi wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all dead. Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not dead (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
    Yeah, I feel stupid I missed like three of the chakras and most of the water tribe parts. Sorry, but still the southern tribe isn't that impressive.

    To be honest, no the Southern Water Tribe wasn't, but I'm sure we will see it again in Season 3 since Pakku said he was going to help with his "sister tribe".
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  • Avatar of cutiekittygal


    [34]Dec 20, 2006
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    • posts: 483
    haha you 2 are funny! i am sorry to say that i still agree with confushussayhi if thats how you spell it... well actually im not sorry to say it, i totally agree. you both have great points and neither is right or wrong, but that's what makes the show interesting. and i must say something.??i think they let katara pretty much win the fight with azula because it is a kids show... i mean c'mon. they had to make it so the good concours the bad even tho in the end aang and the gang lost. but the whole fight i think was a joke... (someone else said that) but im quoting it, the whole fight was like horrible. aang has beaten both azula and zuko before, what made them so suddenly strong and what made aang so weak. he didnt even try.
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  • Avatar of pooldude256


    [35]Dec 20, 2006
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    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all . Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
    Yeah, I feel stupid I missed like three of the chakras and most of the water tribe parts. Sorry, but still the southern tribe isn't that impressive.

    To be honest, no the Southern Water Tribe wasn't, but I'm sure we will see it again in Season 3 since Pakku said he was going to help with his "sister tribe".

    The reason its "not so impressive" is because of the Fire Nation. The Southern Tribe was hit much harder in the war than the Northern Tribe.

    Oh and Azula would totally win a fight against Azula. Her lightning...it's just so hot.
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  • Avatar of KilalaRose


    [36]Dec 20, 2006
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    pooldude256 wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all . Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
    Yeah, I feel stupid I missed like three of the chakras and most of the water tribe parts. Sorry, but still the southern tribe isn't that impressive.

    To be honest, no the Southern Water Tribe wasn't, but I'm sure we will see it again in Season 3 since Pakku said he was going to help with his "sister tribe".

    The reason its "not so impressive" is because of the Fire Nation. The Southern Tribe was hit much harder in the war than the Northern Tribe.

    Oh and Azula would totally win a fight against Azula. Her lightning...it's just so hot.
    well, yeah, I'm pretty sure Azula would win a fight against Azula....
    You must be registered and logged in to post a message.
  • Avatar of go_ugly_people


    [37]Dec 20, 2006
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    KilalaRose wrote:
    pooldude256 wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all . Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
    Yeah, I feel stupid I missed like three of the chakras and most of the water tribe parts. Sorry, but still the southern tribe isn't that impressive.

    To be honest, no the Southern Water Tribe wasn't, but I'm sure we will see it again in Season 3 since Pakku said he was going to help with his "sister tribe".

    The reason its "not so impressive" is because of the Fire Nation. The Southern Tribe was hit much harder in the war than the Northern Tribe.

    Oh and Azula would totally win a fight against Azula. Her lightning...it's just so hot.
    well, yeah, I'm pretty sure Azula would win a fight against Azula....

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  • Avatar of confucioussayhi


    [38]Dec 20, 2006
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    cutiekittygal wrote:
    haha you 2 are funny! i am sorry to say that i still agree with confushussayhi if thats how you spell it... well actually im not sorry to say it, i totally agree. you both have great points and neither is right or wrong, but that's what makes the show interesting. and i must say something.??i think they let katara pretty much win the fight with azula because it is a kids show... i mean c'mon. they had to make it so the good concours the bad even tho in the end aang and the gang lost. but the whole fight i think was a joke... (someone else said that) but im quoting it, the whole fight was like horrible. aang has beaten both azula and zuko before, what made them so suddenly strong and what made aang so weak. he didnt even try.
    Thank you, the creators often "fix" fights. Not putting Toph in any good fights because it overpowers the team and having Katara beat Azula, then have Zuko save Azula. It keeps people watching. Someone says "I can't wait until Katara pwns Azula again!", while another says, "Bull crap! Azula will own Katara, next time...". It hooks people. Oh, and just call me Mike, it waaaay faster!
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  • Avatar of Emzie9546


    [39]Dec 20, 2006
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    • posts: 34
    go_ugly_people wrote:
    KilalaRose wrote:
    pooldude256 wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    xlA_V_A_T_A_Rlx wrote:
    eneterprise wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:
    confucioussayhi wrote:
    white_rabbit112 wrote:

    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    What are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterbending is not the weakest, no by a long shot. Oh My God, seriously waterbending is actually one of the most powerful. A master waterbender has the ability to control plants and even the water inside of people, giving them complete control. But how in the world could they beat a novice earthbender, that would never happen (major sarcasim). Who would win in a bending fight depends on the skill of the bender and how they control their element. Watch the show some time, then post!

    Ahem. I was saying basically that waterbending isn't a strong as earthbending or firebending. If you look at the enire collective waterbending in the show, it's abilites are matched or surpassed, unless it was a the northern water tribe where everything was water. If Katara doesn't have that little pouch, she's helpless. An earthbender could do what general Fong did in the Avatar State and null her silly little water whip, then sink her underground. She's SUPPOSED to be a master. She might have beat Azula purely for the storyline, to make people think that she is strong. You see how great and powerful the Southern Tribe waterbenders are. Oh wait, they're all . Thats right. If it wasn't for Aang, the Northern tribe would be slush too. I'm sorry I used an exxageration "a novice earthbender". Wah. Get over it. Sorry about that, but telling me I don't watch this show is a load of crap. I almost never talk to people like that but you didn't have to be a complete jack@$$.

    Sorry I really did not mean to be cruel. I just pointed out that you were wrong. Any elemental bender could counter certain attacks of different benders, IT GOES BY THE SKILL OF THE BENDER! Katara seriously messed up, it happens. Aang, Sakka, Zuko, and even Azula all got pwned one time or another. Not all earthbenders can beat Katara, just like Katara can't beat all other benders. Oh and by the way the Southern Waterbenders are not (duh) they left to fight in the war. We even saw they in the Guru/Cross Roads of destiny, when Sokka went to see his dad. Oh and about the Northen Watertribe being almost beaten if it was not for Aang, most of the Earth Kingdom is under Fire Nation Control.

    HOLY CRAP !!! how did a simple who would win go into this !!!LOL '

    whatever I still Katara would be win

    Its just a friendly discussion. I think its allowed.
    Yeah, I feel stupid I missed like three of the chakras and most of the water tribe parts. Sorry, but still the southern tribe isn't that impressive.
    To be honest, no the Southern Water Tribe wasn't, but I'm sure we will see it again in Season 3 since Pakku said he was going to help with his "sister tribe".
    The reason its "not so impressive" is because of the Fire Nation. The Southern Tribe was hit much harder in the war than the Northern Tribe. Oh and Azula would totally win a fight against Azula. Her lightning...it's just so hot.
    well, yeah, I'm pretty sure Azula would win a fight against Azula....

    w.e i still think that water has a larger adv against fire then air so katara still can pwn. and yes i was dissapointed in aang cuz he didnt go all avatar and the fight was sucky. but when katara had caught azula that was pretty realistic to me cuz of the natural oposites. azula got careless and that is where katara sneaked in and would have won. *even teh 4 elements are a illusion*

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  • Avatar of blazerperry29


    [40]Dec 20, 2006
    • member since: 10/18/06
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    confucioussayhi wrote:
    UGamer08 wrote:
    I dislike (and called it from a mile away) that the creators just had to make it so that she on par with her. I honestly got nothing against her, but until we actually see her doing some training, at all, the only people who should be able to go toe to toe with Azula are Toph (der), Iroh, Aang, and if he trains had enough (we which actually see him do once in a awhile) Zuko. Seriously I'm all for equality and that stuff but fail to see why they have to try so hard to make it seem that they're all on the same level. Lets face it, some are stronger or can be considered to be stronger than others. Best example Toph, goes without saying that she's the best on the team.
    Anybody could pwn Katara. I don't hate Katara, she is actually a good character. She is a great waterbender. And there's the kink. She is a waterbender. If there was a large pool Behind a waterbender and Lots of ground beheath an earthbender the earthbender would win. The greatest waterbender couldn't beat a novice earthbender. They might be able to beat a master firebender(Azula is not the greatest firebender) such as Azula. But waterbending is defintely the weakest bending. At least with airbending you can blow people away. The creators fix these fights for the sake of storyline, nothing else. Azula can beat Katara easy. Azula, however is not the greatest bender in the Avatar world. Almost anyone else could beat her. Iroh, Jeong Jeong, Toph, Aang(If the creators would stop fixing fights!), Bumi, Long Feng, hell, Ty lee could. So I'm not sticking up for Azula.

    whoa whoa whoa... waterbending is NOT the weakest element. water can double as earthbending because you can freeze the water into blocks of ice. and you can surround someone in water and freeze the water. water itself can be morphed into anything, so it's also the most versatile element.

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