It is inevitable that this show will die- but, like so many other shows, good and bad- that's the cycle of life- at the end is death.
One things for sure, like all good shows, trhis one will go out with a triumphant bang, shall it recover from the sad finale of season 2. I just plain hate the fact that Zuko and Azula are evil when they could be resisting their father, the Fire Lord Ohzad- he is, after all, responsible for this madness plaguing the Avatar's world, as well as his wife's death.
Perhaps, to add to add to this series going out with a bang, Zuko and Azula will do the right thing and lead the rebellion that ends this war once and for all along with the Avatar- something deep down, praying for, that we all want as fans who want to see a happy ending.
F91- Dwell on that, and hook me up later.