Ok, I'm sorry, but this thread is supposed to be about the similarities between Naruto and Avatar, not all you haters haten' on us Kyuubi lovers! Things that are cool, but have probably??already been noticed!
1.) Naruto and Aang both wear orange. But, Aang's offit is soooo much more cooler then that stupid orange jumpsuit Naruto wears. *Shakes head* I'm just glad he burns that stupid rag after the time skip!!
2.) Both Aang, Sasuke, and Naruto have 'Tattoos'. Aang has the arrows, Sasuke has the curse mark and seal, and Naruto has the kitty lines on his face, and the curse seal on his stomach.
3.) The main character girls (Katara and Sakura) are healers.
4.) GIANT ANIMALS THEY RIDE AROUND ON!! Aang has his large flying bison, Appa, and Naruto has his huge talking toad (Lord, let me spell this right) Gamabunta. (Yes! I spelled that right!! w00t!)
5.) Crazy, not-so-smart-guys. Sokka and Naruto. Or, Sokka and Lee (.........Gai-sensei! Lee! Gai-Sensei! Lee! *Hugging, cheesy love music, random wave crashing in the backround*) Or, Sokka and Kiba. Actually, it could be Sokka and any of the guys! 
6.) Players. Sokka and Jiraya! (Although, Jiraya takes the word 'Player' to an all new, perverted level....)
7.) Powerful, sometime silly teachers. Kakashi and Iroh. Both has silver/grey hair (even though Kakashi's 26...........) And are very powerful, and sometimes, really rather funny! Hehehehe, o! And obsessed with whatever the writers gave them to be obsessed with! Iroh-Tea, Kakashi-perverted books written by Jiraya.
8.) Earth, water, air, firebenders. Firebenders-Sasuke, (Is Itachi one as well?) Kakashi, since he can copy??almost any??jutsu. Air-Zaku, Temari. Water-Zabuza, and Kakashi, since he can copy??almost any??jutsu. Earth-Gaara-sama!!!! And, didn't Zaku bend the earth in the Forest of Death to save Dosu from Lee's hidden lotus trick? Or did he just send his air currents into the ground?
9.) Time limits. Aang has until the end of the summer to stop Ozai, Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Tenten, Neji, Lee, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma, Jiraya,??Shez-u-nay (Sorry, I know I spelled it wrong, but??it keeps cencoring it!)the Akatsuki, and the ANBU have three years to save Sasuke from the Michel Jackson impersonator, Orichimaru.
10.)Evil prodogiy sibilings. Zuko has Azula, and Sasuke has Itachi. No offense Zuko, but I think Sauke as it worse. Itachi killed Sasuke's parents, and although Azula needs to rot away, she never killed anyone (That we know of......)
There you are! 10 reasons how they're the same!!
Edited on 11/10/2006 6:01am