ravenfilange24 wrote: |
I wouldn't really like to see a prequel as the fourth seaosn, because we already know and love our characters the way they are now. if they threw another avatar at us, that wouldn't be as interesting because we already like Aang. plus, if they defeat the fire lord at the end of the third season, what's the point of airing a fourth season at all?? the story's been told. all done! no more avatar! go buy the box set on DVD! |
All the storeys have not??been told, there are thousands and thousands of years that we know nothing about and we know that the avatar kept the peace between the four nations but how was it done? All those storeys could be told what about the last airbender avatar before Aang what did he do and what did he struggle with? There would always be even more storeys that arn 't told