Seeing as Iroh had a son, he must've had a wife, lover, or atleast a woman who gave birth to Lu Ten. She has yet to be mentioned or seen, even in the memories in "The Storm" and "Zuko Alone". We are unaware of her location and state of being. If she was dead, we have reason to believe that Iroh would honor her spirit and be very upset about losing her, similar to the way he feels about his son. However, her name could be taboo because they were not married, she was not royalty, or she is a criminal. It is still likely that Iroh loved her, and maybe still does (His flirting with numerous women could either mean that she is dead and he is not going to give up living just because she died, or that circumstance has made it impossible for them to be together and it wouldn't be worth it not to have a good time). Just wanted to know if anyone else had an opnion about this.
P.S.-It could just be an oversight by the ATLA staff, and I'm making too much out of it.