neverbeenpinker wrote: |
yeah, but it's not like thay were desperate. they just wanted to crack a few earth bender skulls. it's not like they were trying to stop the suffering or some noble thing like that. they just wanted to win. |
Since we know little to nothing about why the war started we can't assume the the FN didn't have a noble or desperate reason for starting the war but when you are in a war for a long time you start to forget why you started it and all you want to do is win. But is just wanting to win a bad thing? I don't think so. Sacrificing soldiers to gain an advantage may be seen as wrong or horrible but every powerful country has done that exact same thing in order to win. Think long term let's say you don't want to??sacrifice people in order to win...The war will last for years and years and in the end more people will have died in the extended war then would have been in the sacrifice.
"You try not to get anybody killed you wind up getting everybody killed."