Roku's Dragon
Giant earthbending badger mole
Green Serpent in Serpents Pass
Jun's blind creature with the paralyzing poison tounge and strong sense of smell
Large boar Appa fought in Appas Lost Days
Giant panda spirit of the forest
Fire nation Rhinos
Large lizards Azula rides
Foo foo cuddley poop's mother
Giant speaking owl in the undeground library
Giant bee-like creatures in The Desert
If you can think of other suitable animal guides, you may say those ones aswell. But out of these ones, if it were me, I'd choose a badger mole, since they look cool and they can earthbend and help you fight.
Please disregard this post. I have re-written the situation in post 14. Check there for a better description.
Edited on 11/11/2006 8:04pm