Nickelodeon (ended 2008)
lilykt7 wrote: |
what? Thats what happens when you eat alot of sugar. |
iiMNOTOKAY wrote: | ||
No, I wouldn't have any blood left if that was true!
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||
No, I wouldn't have any blood left if that was true! |
iiMNOTOKAY wrote: | ||||||
WE need something to do...
Anyone here every jumped down a hill?
iiMNOTOKAY wrote: |
Ohhh... one time my friend ate like a pound of sugar... he like couldn't move... hehe |
Ya like chocolate crashes. I love thsoe. You eat chocolate, get all hyped up, then 12 minutes later your asleep? When you get tired after that it feels so good... I don't know why, but ti does!
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||
Ya like chocolate crashes. I love thsoe. You eat chocolate, get all hyped up, then 12 minutes later your asleep? When you get tired after that it feels so good... I don't know why, but ti does! |
lilykt7 wrote: |
are we the only ones on our are we just the only ones immature enough to add to this conversatin. YES I DID ROLL DOWN HILLS. My entire girl scouts were on a camping trip and we rolled down this giants hill tigether. |
was that before or after the pillow fight (if your parents read this, tell me so I can flee to Canada. yay CANADA)?
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||||||
WE need something to do... Anyone here every jumped down a hill? |
metalcurtainrod wrote: | ||||||||||
I rolled down one once My house is on a hill, although I never rolled down that one (too much snakes ) |
iiMNOTOKAY wrote: | ||||||||||||
I rolled down a hill once... and another time I accidentaly 'tripped' my ex so he fell down a hill... hehe jk =] ...or am I ?? |
lilykt7 wrote: |
we were 8 than SD get your mind out of the gutter. |
iiMNOTOKAY wrote: | ||
of course! And I got real itchy, too *scratches arm* jk, but I was just askin a question!
soccerdawg76 wrote: | ||||
of course! And I got real itchy, too *scratches arm* jk, but I was just askin a question! |
iiMNOTOKAY wrote: | ||||||
Lol. HOLY SH!T ! I'm bored.. somebody do something entertaining... |