As a character, yeah, I love Zuko, instead of thinking he had way too easy after Bitter Work. (I'm a guy, not a girl).
May seem weird, but Zuko's deeper because he isn't entirely free of Azula and his father yet. He seems to have a moral compass, for once, and he still chooses to be selfish, he chooses his father's acceptance over what his uncle tells him, and what he knows and we know to be right.
He made a mistake. He made a huge one. He'll need to redeem himself and own up to it, confront his father, choose what type of person he wants to be. Think his redemption so far was tough? Well, he's still got a long way to go.
But that's why he's a good character, that's why he's multidimensional and deep. I'm not loyal to the characters who don't suffer. I'm loyal to the characters who have to struggle, and because of his last decision, Zuko will need to struggle so much more. It'll make his redemption all the sweeter.