and with that I say thank you!?? I would post my resume too but I don't think that would matter much (although it is available on my website as well as in the Who's Who's in Woman In Business for 2005) but who's counting!?? Obviously my accountant does... buy hey, I pay him!??
And to actually discuss the topic (since my machine is in the process of d/ling for the next 3 hours since I just bought a couple of Heroes episodes on itunes)...?? IF you view the opening pictures posted on the thread Very clear pictures of people at beginning of Intro!?? you will see clearly that the waterbender is indeed Pakku, that the earthbender IS NOT the Boulder, the firebender is Azula, and the airbender is Gyatso.?? Can it be assumed that when the opening segment was created that each of the "masters of the elements" who appear in the credits were to be Aang's teacher... SURE.?? Do things change??? ABSOLUTELY!?? Afterall, they have stated that Toph was suppose to be male, so that could be indeed how she was suppose to look.?? Pakku and Gyatso DID teach Aang their respective bending powers... and who knows... maybe Azula was originally meant to be the good girl.... I"m done, slowing down my download.?? Should have done it on my main computer and left the laptop for playing around (alas)! Another night of posting limited to technology....
(looking around for masterofaeons new post on his fanfiction.... I could do some reading right about now)